Henshaws 61 Kings Road Harrogate

  • Henshaws 61 Kings Road Harrogate
    61 Kings Road, Harrogate, HG1 5HJ
    Rooms : Unknown
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  • Care Home Information

    Henshaws 61 Kings Road Harrogate is a provider of care near Harrogate and provides a list of services and facilities listed below if available. This provider has 3 reviews with a rating of 5 out of 5.

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  • Care Home Services

    Learning disabilities: Yes, offers Learning disabilities care
    Personal and intimate care: Yes, offers care for Personal care
    Physical disabilities: Yes, offers help with Physical disabilities
    Care Home Type:Residential Care
    Sensory impairments: Yes, offers help with Sensory impairments

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  • Patient Ratings






  •  Patient Reviews

    Henshaws 61 Kings Road Harrogate
    Review SourceBy:TC
    Rating:..star rating
    May 18 2014

    Our daughter first attended Henshaws college in Harrogate in 1991, aged 17, after attending Wavertree School for the Blind, Liverpool. Whilst at Wavertree she boarded there during the week and came home every weekend. Since moving to Harrogate she comes home once a month. At Henshaws college she lived on campus for three years, before moving into another one of Henshaws's houses, (Roger Brown House) while Kings road was being acquired and made suitable for service users like our daughter. This was completed, and is when she moved in 1999. Our Daughter has always enjoyed living in all her accommodations, and does so to this day. Nowadays she comes home usually once a month. Transport to the college or now, more-so the Arts and Craft centre in nearby Knaresborough, or any other activity, is by taxi or Henshaws Mini bus or, with an assistant, on local bus. Our daughter attends the Arts and Craft centre several days a week for different activities, Textiles, Music and paper-making, and is encouraged to do so by staff at Kings Road, along with other activities that become available within the area and they feel are suitable and beneficial to her. There is an active social network between the different houses and activities. Our daughter takes part in the local Triathlon and is supported in this magnificently by the staff. In addition, living skills are taught one day a week, within the house where she is encouraged to make her own meals etc. There are facilities for five residents, having their own bedroom with wash basin, and shared toilet and bathroom facilities, over three stories in this Georgian terraced house. Our daughter has her own TV, DVD player, CD player, PIANO, (electronic), and Playstation, within her room. There is a large communal dining room, lounge with TV, DVD, and a recently refurbished kitchen with dishwasher and separate utility room with washing machine, tumble drier and fridge. Residents are encouraged to use these themselves, with assistance where required. Kings Road is very close to local shops and within walking distance to the lovely town centre and people of Harrogate. It is also on a local bus route, if walking is a concern. All the staff at Kings Road are always very friendly and open, whilst being professional about the care and well being of our daughter, and her activities. We are more than confident and happy to leave our daughter in their care.
    Original Comment Report...

    Reply from Henshaws - 61 Kings Road Harrogate
    Fri, 30 May 2014 15:17:34 +0100

    Thank you for your kind comments about Kings Road. It's lovely to hear that you are happy with the support your daughter receives and we really appreciate your feedback.

    Henshaws 61 Kings Road Harrogate
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..star rating
    May 12 2014

    Our son is a founder resident of 61 Kings Rd. He has lived there for more than 10 years and has been very settled and secure. The staff are conscientious and professional and support residents not only in routine daily activities but also in a variety of sports and pastimes. Residents go to the theatre, the cinema, they dine out, go on holiday ( not just in England, but also abroad). They are involved in fund raising for charity, horse riding, wall climbing, swimming. - the list is growing all the time. Our son spends regular weekends and holidays at home but , not surprisingly, he worries about what he may be missing at Kings Rd! Kings Rd is a home, which is comfortable and secure, which we hope will continue . We have been impressed with the commitment of staff and we have come to expect a high standard of care and support. So far we have not been disappointed. There are very few staff changes which means that there is an impressive continuity of care.
    Original Comment Report...

    Reply from Henshaws - 61 Kings Road Harrogate
    Fri, 30 May 2014 15:14:44 +0100

    Thank you for your comments. It's good to hear your son feels settled and secure at Kings Road.

    Henshaws 61 Kings Road Harrogate
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..star rating
    May 5 2014

    Our son first went to Henshaws College in 1995 after being educated in a number of RNIB special schools. On leaving college, after four years on campus, he was offered a place in Henshaws Community Housing at 61 Kings Road. The house had been specially adapted and refurbished and he shared with four other adults with similar disabilities. It is a large three storied house with 5 bedrooms plus one staff bedroom, a large living room, large dining room, a recently refitted kitchen, bathroom and and utility room, it could however benefit by having an additional bathroom. The house is conveniently situated a few hundred metres from Harrogate town centre. The level of care our son received there was always of a high order, his health and wellbeing being a primary concern. There were lots of opportunities to partake in various social activities and also holidays both at home and abroad. Within the Henshaws community there is a large social network and the opportunity to visit other houses and to meet with friends was always available The staff were always warm, friendly and welcoming. Although our son attended Henshaws Arts and Craft Centre for a number of years he was also encouraged to attend Harrogate Skills for Life and both of these helped him to become more confident and to develop into a mature adult. In addition to these he was taught basic home living skills one day a week in house. The only reason our son is no longer a resident in Kings Road was his wish to move closer to us, we live 180 miles away.
    Original Comment Report...

    Reply from Henshaws - 61 Kings Road Harrogate
    Fri, 30 May 2014 15:11:52 +0100

    Thank you for taking the time to leave your comments. We're glad you feel that your son received a high standard of care at Kings Road. We'd like to wish your family all the best for the future and hope he is happy in his new home.

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    Henshaws 61 Kings Road Harrogate is approximately 0 mile(s) away from Harrogate. More information
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