Walton Heath Manor

  • Walton Heath Manor
    Hurst Drive, Walton-on-the-Hill, KT20 7QT
    Rooms : Unknown
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  • Care Home Information

    Walton Heath Manor is an exceptionally fine English country house with an interesting history.& It was originally completed in 1917 for its first resident; Sir Harry Greer M.P. & Sir Harry was chairman or Baird Television, which, from Crystal Palace in 1935, relayed the worldss first television transmission.& In 1990 The manor was totally restored and refurbished yet it still retains a wealth of architectual features, such as the large open fireplaces, beamed ceilings, stained glass windows and oak panelling.

    Walton Heath Manor is a residential care home for older people, commited to promoting independence and diversity in personal choice.& We understand the importance of personal preferences and aim always to respond to them in a manner which makes every individual feel valued and respected.

    Set in beautiful landscaped gardens backing directly onto Walton Heath, the rooms are designed to take advantage of the outlook.& All 43 rooms are furnished& and decorated to the same high standard and include either a full en-suite bathroom or en-suite W.C and basin.

    Friendly faces, welcoming staff and the relaxed atmosphere create the spirit and warmth which makes Walton Heath Manor unique.

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  • Care Home Services

    Caring for adults over 65 yrs: Yes, offers Caring for adults over 65 yrs
    Personal and intimate care: Yes, offers care for Personal care
    Care Home Type:Residential Care

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  • Patient Ratings






  •  Patient Reviews

    Walton Heath Manor
    Review SourceBy:Su
    Rating:..star rating
    Feb 2 2018

    My Mother has lived at Walton Heath Manor for 18 months now - her health has improved and she is very happy and comfortable there. The staff are very stable, so we have got to know them well - and they us. Their apporach is always a 'can do' and they do their utmost to accommodate each resident's needs. There are 3 wonderful activities organisers who regularly go beyond expectations, so that there is always something interesting for the residents to do and enjoy. Yesterday for example my Mother went to the local pub for coffee and sat by a roaring fire having a chat and reminiscing about her memories of childhood; then in the afternoon there was a dancing session with a delightful dance tutor who calibrated his moves specifically to each residents capability and preferences. He got everyone up on their feet in turn and they all had an enjoyable afternoon with a littlebit of exercise. The house is extremely well looked after, always clean, well maintained and freshly smelling. It is surrounded by extensive gardens, which the residents enjoy particularly in the summer as a place to walk or just sit in the sun. I mustn't leave out the catering - an excellent chef and kitchen staff who regularly put on special events - e.g. Burns night, a Russian evening, Guy Fawkes etc. Their afternoon cakes are deliicious! Residents are welcome to invite friends and relatives to dine with them and in that case they can take their meals in the library or the lounge. Otherwise the dining room for residents is another lovely room, with floor to ceiling windows out onto the garden, carpeted and tables (for 5 or 6) always well set with cloths, napkins and small table decorations. So meals are also a social occasion, providing a good rhythm to the day.
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    Walton Heath Manor
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..star rating
    Jan 9 2018

    My husband was very ill and spent 1 month in hospital to receive medical treatment. On his discharge Christmas Eve he was very weak and not able to go home without care. Walton Heath Manor kindly provided respite care at short notice to enable him to leave hospital. Despite being holiday period he received loving care and support which has now resulted in him being able to return to his own home to continue gaining his strength. We are ever grateful to ALL of the staff at Walton Heath they are a great team and fully deserve the highest ratings.
    Original Comment Report...

    Walton Heath Manor
    Review SourceBy:Tom Rhind-Tutt
    Rating:..star rating
    Nov 22 2017

    My wife developed Parkinson's and when it became really difficult to care for her at home my daughter and I looked round for a caring home where she could be looked after on a long term basis. We spent two weeks searching and had no difficulty in choosing Walton Heath Manor for they offered just what we were looking for. A place where my wife would be cared for and loved. Where she would receive good food and flexible support as her needs changed. In the following year we realised that all our desires were met in full. Indeed throughout the year we never complained for they always provided a quality service. As my wife approached death I was caught up in the Palliative Care that was provided for my wife and all the family. We were all supported and personally cared for in wonderfully thoughtful and kind ways. I and my family have such warm memories of everyone at Walton Heath Manor during this time and the whole year. Three months later I sold our house and rather than move into a flat or small house I decided to ask if I could come and live as an independent Resident in Walton Heath Manor. For the past six months I have lived an independent life, including driving my car, and enjoying the excellent food and facilities provided. I am happy for I have such a good life with all the facilities I need and I am never lonely.
    Original Comment Report...

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  • Frequently Asked Questions about Care Homes in Walton-on-the-Hill.

    Walton Heath Manor is approximately 0 mile(s) away from Walton-on-the-Hill. More information
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