Rushden Park (MHA)

  • Rushden Park (MHA)
    Melloway Road, Rushden, NN10 6XZ
    Rooms : 64
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  • Care Home Information

    Rushden& Park has& been built on two floors, with lounges and dining rooms on each floor. The Home has been designed with a view to offering some dementia care and palliative care, and an overall ability to cater for 64 residents.

    It is situated in a quiet area near the edge of Rushden and has enclosed landscaped gardens that offer a safe space for residents, as well as a resting place for much local wildlife.

    Since Rushden Park came under MHA management, and numbers have grown, regular worship services within the Home have been increasingly well attended. Initially they were conducted in one of the lounges, with a possible group of five to ten attending. Now, the service has had to be transferred into a dining room for additional space and often there are more than 24 residents in attendance – a rate of growth for which many church congregations would be grateful.

    Privacy and independence, friendship and support - 24 hours a day

    Rushden Park offers care and comfort, compassion and friendship. At the heart of all we offer is our assurance that you will be treated with the respect and dignity that we all deserve, and if you need anything at all, we&re here to help, 24 hours a day.

    Whether in the privacy of your own room or relaxing in the company of your friends and neighbours, we will support you to spend your time doing the things you enjoy. Let us know if it&s music, a favourite newspaper, exercise or a spot of pampering at the salon. Landscaped gardens invite you to appreciate the fresh air, or tend the plants, if you wish. There&s a wide range of social events, so you never need to feel bored or lonely.

    Meal times are a special part of the day for you to savour tasty food, freshly cooked by our chef to suit you and any dietary needs. And, of course refreshments are available throughout the day for you and your visitors, who are welcome at any time.

    Rushden Park has the latest safety and security design features so you can live life to the full with peace of mind.

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  • Care Home Services

    Caring for adults over 65 yrs: Yes, offers Caring for adults over 65 yrs
    Diagnostic and screening procedures: Yes, offers Diagnostic and screening procedures
    Personal and intimate care: Yes, offers care for Personal care
    Treatment of disease, disorder or injury: Yes, offers Treatment of disease, disorder or injury
    Care Home Type:with nursing

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  • Patient Ratings






  •  Patient Reviews

    Rushden Park (MHA)
    Review SourceBy:Peter Upton rating
    Dec 23 2015

    I can't speak highly enough about the Park; my mother, who was a staunch Methodist, was a resident for several years, dying there in September 2015. She suffered from a vascular dementia and became progressively less mobile and responsive. In fact the Park never saw her at her best, but she was loved and cared for by a wonderful team who were deeply upset when she slipped away after months of being bedbound. She had a single room, a pressure relieving mattress, and the family were always made welcome, including her two great granddaughters who saw her just before she died. The nursing care was very good, and our wishes were both sought and respected. My mother had been a nursing sister, and a photo of her in her uniform had pride of place in her room. The staff respected this and responded to her as a fellow professional. My mother's sister and another relative were also residents and died there, and their care was also very good. the home is purpose built, very well appointed and welcoming. The Chaplain came to see us shortly after my mother died (before the doctor even arrived) and we were able to share a prayer which was comforting.
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  • Frequently Asked Questions about Care Homes in Rushden.

    Rushden Park (MHA) is approximately 0 mile(s) away from Rushden. More information
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