The White House (Curdridge) Ltd

  • The White House (Curdridge) Ltd
    The White House, Vicarage Lane, Curdridge, Southampton, SO32 2DPEmail
    Rooms : Unknown
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  • Care Home Information

    The White House (Curdridge) Ltd: Caring for younger and older people living with dementia within a beautiful country house set in 18 acres which includes formal gardens, patios, fish ponds, duck ponds and paddocks. Single bedrooms with en-suite facilities.

    Lavender edged promenade where residents can enjoy the many animals from tortoises, exotic birds, peafowl, wallabies, micro pigs, pygmy goats, horses, ornamental ducks and birds, rabbits.

    Central courtyard freely accessible from all communal areas.

    Calm safe and homely atmosphere with a feeling of spaciousness both inside and outside the home. Residents can feel safe, comfortable and relaxed. Fortnightly G.P. visits from the same G.P. G.P. & M.H. Dr hold regular in house reviews to ensure the best possible care is provided for the individuals physical & mental health.

    Established, reliable, competent, caring staff trained by Jackie Pool Associates in Person Centred Dementia Care. Certified trainers for in house training in all areas of Health & Safety, Safeguarding, Best Interest care decisions. RBS Mentor services provide guidance, procedures, audits for Health & Safety & Employment Law.

    Many in house activities both on the units & in the smile club, which offers various activities between 10am & 3pm in a lovely conservatory. There are regular outings, which have included, Bovington Tank museum, Marwell zoo, the New Forest, Bucklers hard, Portsmouth Docks, Sea Life Centre, Longleat, to name a few.

    Every week a resident from each of the four units enjoys a special day, chosen by the individual, arranged by their keyworker, which could be a visit to an Italian Restaurant, a Chinese take away, a trip to the theatre, watching a special film, going to a favourite shop or having a pub lunch, Bar B Q or tea party.

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  • Care Home Services

    Caring for adults over 65 yrs: Yes, offers Caring for adults over 65 yrs
    Dementia: Yes, offers care for Dementia
    Mental health conditions: Yes, offers care for Mental health conditions
    Personal and intimate care: Yes, offers care for Personal care
    Care Home Type:Residential Care

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  • Patient Ratings






  •  Patient Reviews

    The White House (Curdridge) Ltd
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous rating
    Feb 11 2016

    Our mother has lived at the White House for more than 3 years and the standard of care and responsiveness to her changing needs which she has received has always been excellent! The feedback on her progress and the sheer positive approach to care for people with Alzheimer's matching their needs of dignity yet whenever possible fun and interest, alongside their more basic care needs, walks that fine line perfectly!
    Original Comment Report...

    The White House (Curdridge) Ltd
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous rating
    Feb 14 2014

    Mum has been attending the day centre for four weeks now, for just one day a week. What a difference it has made to both Mum and me. The wonderful care and compassion shown by them is beyond all expectations, they truly care and go to great lengths to stimulate their clients and make their visit an extremely enjoyable experience. Mum was very reticent to attend at first but by week three she was very animated on leaving and continually remarked to family and friends, for several days, on what a lovely time she had had. This morning the home had a power cut but undeterred they did not let this stand in their way and they carried on regardless. I cannot speak highly enough of the White House and what it has to offer. Thank you for the respite Mum's visits afford me and for making Mum so smiley.
    Original Comment Report...

    The White House (Curdridge) Ltd
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous rating
    Dec 18 2013

    The carers are wonderful, but woefully overworked. They need more experienced staff on duty at all times. On a number of occasions we have been unable to track a member of staff down.The place is often unclean, no cleaners at weekends at all. The lounge area smells strongly of urine, it should be cleaned more often.Meals portions are poor. I wouldn't have chosen this home personally, but sadly my relative has to stay here as it's the only home 'dedicated' to dementia care in the area suitable for their needs.
    Original Comment Report...

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  • Frequently Asked Questions about Care Homes in Southampton.

    The White House (Curdridge) Ltd is approximately 0 mile(s) away from Southampton. More information
    Yes, Dementia Care is avaiable at The White House (Curdridge) Ltd. To see the full list of care option available, click More Information.
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There may come a time in your life when you need to move into a care home. You may also choose to move into a care home...