Fulford Nursing Home

  • Fulford Nursing Home
    43 Heslington Lane, Fulford, York, YO10 4HNEmail
    Rooms : Unknown
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  • Care Home Information

    Fulford Nursing Home is situated in the heart of Fulford, an attractive area of historic York and has the dual benefit of a quiet, secluded location within easy access of the York’s many wonderful amenities.

    As the last family run independent nursing home in York, Fulford Nursing Home can offer everyone the time, care, warmth and friendship necessary to make this a real home from home - a home full of friendship and love.

    The Home provides everything residents need in the widest sense; considerate care, a fulfilling life and support for their friends and families. At the heart of the service is 24-hour residential and nursing care from dedicated care staff. Through building enduring relationships with every resident the Home ensures that residents can live their lives the way they choose to.

    Fulford Nursing Home has an open door policy and encourages family and friends to visit the home to spend time with their loved ones. There is always a cup of tea, a homemade cake and a warm welcome to all visitors. The home is family run and prides itself on the high quality care it delivers everyday.

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  • Care Home Services

    Caring for adults over 65 yrs: Yes, offers Caring for adults over 65 yrs
    Diagnostic and screening procedures: Yes, offers Diagnostic and screening procedures
    Personal and intimate care: Yes, offers care for Personal care
    Treatment of disease, disorder or injury: Yes, offers Treatment of disease, disorder or injury
    Care Home Type:with nursing

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  • Patient Ratings






  •  Patient Reviews

    Fulford Nursing Home
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..star rating
    Mar 3 2014

    My father had a stroke in June 2012 completely out of the blue. It was diagnosed as a urine infection in hospital so was some days before it was realised what had happened therefore the time to get him on the stroke ward was 7 days. He went from a gentleman driving, shopping and living on his own at 93 to doubly incontinent and unable to move without a hoist and he was unable to express himself. After some rehab and two months in hospital he regained some mobility but his speech was still poor although all his thoughts were in there but trapped. He was discharged with a care package to home - 3 visits a day. He has four children so everyone took their turns visiting, cooking, doing jobs but he would not settle. The stroke had heightened his anxiety. He was phoning everyone numerous times a day and from September to January everyones lives changed where Dad was the only thing on our minds. In January it was decided that he should try some respite at the local nursing home to see if he could settle in. He tried it but he just didn't seem happy. All he talked about was what time he had to be up, when he should go to bed, the foods rubbish and no-ones bothered. We had thought that full time care would be the answer but we were wrong. In the September he had a bleed and was sent off to hospital without any staff and we met him there. All he said was I don't want to go back. After stabilising in hospital we were told he was a very poorly man and we are losing him. We fought for some treatment and he improved. when ready for discharge he was re assessed and he needed two carers, hoisting, double incontinent, needed feeding, could not make wishes known ....the list went on. We asked Donna from Fulford Nursing Home to come and meet Dad. We were there when she came and watched her speak to Dad. She was wonderful. she encouraged and reassured him and told him what life was like at Fulford. He moved in to Fulford in September. Ive just been to see him today. He is sat with his new gentleman friends, with a John Smiths in his hand, eating his dinner on his own. He tells the staff when he wants something and they support him. He can walk with his walker when a carer is with him for confidence. His anxiety has decreased and he has his routines that he has chosen. The staff tell me stories about him that he has told them and I recognise. He was 95 last Friday and we all met up for a party that the home put on for him and it was just like sitting as a family again at Dads house. I cant praise them enough. We can go home knowing he is looked after and we can live our lives while he continues to enjoy his. He is going away in Summer on a narrow boat for a day with a man who is 100 in the home. the staff always go the extra mile. Thank you thank you thank you
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  • Frequently Asked Questions about Care Homes in York.

    Fulford Nursing Home is approximately 0 mile(s) away from York. More information
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