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NameBupa Dental Care Diss
AddressDental Surgery
65 Mount Street
IP22 4QQ
Phone01379 643693     Call Bupa Dental Care Diss



RatingStar Rating 3 Reviews
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 Dentist Information
Bupa Dental Care Diss is a dental surgery near Diss and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 3 reviews with a rating of 5.0 stars out of 5.
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Dentist Price List
Dental ProcedureOptionsFrom
Bridges (per unit) (Search)POA£POA
Dental bridge (3 unit) (Search)Price on consultation£POA
Dental bridge porcelain bonded (per unit) (Search)Price on consultation£POA
Crowns (Search)POA£POA
Tooth crown porcelain bonded (back teeth) (Search)From £766.00£766
Tooth crown metal (back teeth) (Search)From £823.00£823
Tooth crown porcelain bonded (front teeth) (Search)From £897.00£897
Tooth crown ceramic (Search)From £945.00£945
Partial upper or lower denture (acrylic) (Search)From £732.00£732
Dentures (Full acrylic) (Search)From £1318.00£1318
Emergency Appointment
Emergency appointment (Search)£65
Examination, Consultation, Check Up (Child)
Check-up child (5 or under) (Search)£12
New patient exam child (5 or under) (Search)£15
Routine Check-up child (6-17 inclusive) (Search)£35
New patient Check-up child (6-17 inclusive) (Search)£50
Examination, Consultation, Check Up
Routine patient Check-up adult (18 and over) (Search)£71
New Patient Check-up adult (18 and over) (Search)£105
Fillings - Silver Amalgam
Tooth filling silver (small) (Search)From £129.00£129
Tooth filling silver (large) (Search)From £193.50£193.50
Fillings - White
White fillings (Search)POA£POA
Tooth filling white (small) (Search)From £151.00£151
Tooth filling white (large) (Search)From £226.50£226.50
Root Canal Treatment
Root canal (front teeth) (Search)From £460.00£460
Root canal (back teeth) (Search)From £632.00£632
Routine Hygiene Visit
Hygienist appointment (with dentist) (Search)From £58.00£58
Hygienist appointment (Search)From £90.00£90
Tooth Extraction
Tooth extraction (Search)From £104.00£104
Surgical tooth extraction (Search)From £257.00£257
Tooth Whitening
Teeth whitening (at home kit) (Search)From £364.00£364
Simple X-ray (Search)From £26.00£26
   Patient Ratings







Patient Reviews

Bupa Dental Care Diss
Date:Sep 6 2018
Rating:Star Rating
Review Source

I last visited a dentist five years ago - it was the same day my Mum went into a hospice and it was the most brutal experience (tooth out, then cleaning) without any care applied and I ended up going into shock afterwards. This caused me significant anxiety about going to dentist but finding myself in pain I decided I would find a practice. Got an appointment within a week and the dentist was the most gentle, nicest and careful man - he really understood. Talked me through the next steps and showed me X-rays of where my issues were. He explained that because I don't know him and I am anxious he will do the small job (filling first) and ease me in before we tackled the bigger job (possible root canal). The assistant and receptionist were also so nice. I am so thrilled to have found this dentist and came out feeling that positive that I can now focus on caring for my teeth due to the lovely people at this dentist.
Original Comment Report...

Bupa Dental Care Diss
By:Susie Johnstone
Date:Mar 6 2018
Rating:Star Rating
Review Source

I went online and booked an appointment, unfortunately due to cancellations because of really bad weather, the previous week, I received an email canceling my end of the week appointment, and a later one given. I phoned for an emergency appointment and the receptionist was extremely helpful....going out of her way to find one for me.....calling me back after speaking to the dentist. The dentist was very nice and showed me my xray....something I've never been shown before. I felt at total ease with him....something I havnt felt with a dentist for 26 years. I now feel that I have a dentist whom I can visit regularly with little stress......this in itself is such a relief.
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Bupa Dental Care Diss
By:Susie Hilton-Jowett
Date:Sep 22 2017
Rating:Star Rating
Review Source

I have been scared of dental treatment ever since my childhood dentist in the Midlands did fillings without anaesthetic and shouted at me for wincing. This was all made worse by episodes of anxiety in my 20's, particularly in any situation where I felt 'trapped'. But a dentist in Norwich helped me a lot, and in 1985 I started coming to this practice. I am still very apprehensive - I will undergo childbirth, any number of needles, and recently, acute emergency gallbladder pain with more equanimity than I will face the drill! But as soon as I walk into the building I am reassured by the kindness and efficiency of all the staff, who don't make me feel as pathetic as I am! I've had to come as an emergency a couple of times, and am so impressed by the out of hours service. Today, I had my first extraction (apart from under general anaesthetic in hospital) .It was a breeze! Thank you for the care, expertise, patience and sympathy of both dentists and all the staff.
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Bupa Dental Care Diss, Dental Surgery, 65 Mount Street, Diss, IP22 4QQ

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