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NameBeech House Dental Surgery
AddressBeech House Smile Clinic
56 High Street
NR19 1DR
Phone01362 692044     Call Beech House Dental Surgery


Email beechhouse@smileclinicgr

RatingStar Rating 8 Reviews
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Beech House Dental Surgery is a dental surgery near Dereham and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 8 reviews with a rating of 4.5 stars out of 5.
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Patient Reviews

Beech House Dental Surgery
Date:Mar 28 2022
Rating:Star Rating
Review Source

I have been at the dental practice for years the dentists and dental nurses seem to be getting better at putting there patients at ease,my wife and I both went today we saw a dentist called Amrita and her assistant Laura who put my wife completely at ease over her treatment.I would recommend this N H S practice to anyone as they have the patients wellbeing being there piorority first.I will keep going to this dentist as they put patients first and foremost

Beech House Dental Surgery
Date:Apr 24 2019
Rating:Star Rating
Review Source

I've been a patient here for at least 10 years, and when I joined all that time ago I was a virtual dental-phobic and struggled to be in the waiting room! Through different dentists, nurses and receptionists ALL providing an exceptional level of care and kindness and understanding about not only my fear of dentistry, but also extreme anxiety and agoraphobia, I have managed to have my teeth cared for and treated. Just yesterday I had to go in and ask if my upcoming appointment could be relocated to a first of the day appointment, the receptionist was wonderful; there I was barely making sense due to agoraphobic panic, babbling words and generally being a blithering idiot, shaking and stumbling over my words and she was superb! The lady took time for me, made sure she could move the appointment, she didn't hurry me or in any way make me feel like I was a problem to her, she was so friendly and even took the time to reassure me that no matter my issues, the team understood and were there for me. I felt so so much like I mattered, and that is indicitive of the whole team there, they all really go out of their way to 'look after' me, not just my teeth or my gums, but make sure I'm ok with whatever they need to do. Some companies and businesses, when you have an illness like mine, don't really take kindly to the fact I might need special consideration or a little flexibilty here and there, but Beech House have always gone above and beyond to care for me, I have no hesitation to recommend them and feel very lucky I have them as my dentists. Thank you, you big old bunch of superheroes :)
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Beech House Dental Surgery
Date:Jul 2 2018
Rating:Star Rating
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Very good NHS dental practice and best dentist I have ever had. Appointments can run a little behind but nothing major. My dentist discusses all options when treatment is required and provides general dental advice.
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Beech House Dental Surgery, Beech House Smile Clinic, 56 High Street, Dereham, NR19 1DR

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