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AddressDental Surgery
High Street
Phone01273 492228     Call mydentist

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RatingStar Rating 7 Reviews
Status :Open
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 Dentist Information
mydentist is a dental surgery near Henfield and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 7 reviews with a rating of 2.7 stars out of 5.
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Dentist Price List
Dental ProcedureOptionsFrom
Quick Straight Teeth (Search)£1450
Six Month Smiles (Search)£1900
ClearCorrect (Search)£1990
Invisalign Go (Search)£2100
Invisalign (Search)£2700
Bridges (Search)£400
Crown - Composite/Arcrylic (Search)£555
Crown (Search)£650
Dental Implant
Implant (Search)£1800
Dermal Fillers (Search)£250
Dentures - Full (Search)£955
Emergency Appointment
Emergency appointment fee (Search)£90
Examination, Consultation, Check Up (Child)
Child exam (3 - 17yrs) (Search)£45
Examination, Consultation, Check Up
Exam (Search)£89
Facial aesthetics
Facial Aesthetics (Search)£150
Fillings - Silver Amalgam
Fillings - Silver Amalgam (Search)£130
Fillings - White
White/Composite Filling (Search)£135
Peridontal Surgery
Periodontal treatment (Search)£160
Root Canal Treatment
Root Canal Treatment (Incisor/Canine) Incisor/Canine (Search)£400
Root Canal Treatment (Pre-molar) Pre-molar (Search)£470
Root Canal Treatment (Molar) Molar (Search)£575
Routine Hygiene Visit
Hygiene Appointment 20 minutes 20 Minutes (Search)£58
Hygiene Appointment 30 minutes 30 Minutes (Search)£88
Tooth Extraction
Extraction - Simple (Search)£180
Extraction - Special Difficulty (Search)£280
Extraction - Complex (Search)£280
Tooth Whitening
Zoom Take Home Whitening (Search)£299
Veneers (Search)£525
X-rays - Small Small (Search)£22
X-rays - Large Large (Search)£39
   Patient Ratings







Patient Reviews

By:Pat Moult
Date:Jun 29 2023
Rating:Star Rating
Review Source

Appalling experience at Henfield branch of my dentist. Accompanied my freind who is a frail 87 year old. Saw dentist name of Alexandros Stylas He had removed a tooth and fitted a denture a week ago. The wires that attached to the denture were cutting into her gum We returned to the surgery within a couple of days of seeing Stylas explaining that the wires were cutting into gum. Saw a different dentist who offered to do a readjustment. However this did not resolve the situation. Spoke with the assistant practice manager who advised my freind see Stylas again. Saw Stylas this morning my freind explained she could not wear the denture as it cut into her gum. He proceeded to put the denture in place and then made a minor adjustment to the wire. My friend kept saying no it's to painfull as he proceeded to pull the denture out of her mouth and put it back in again. She was become mg quite distressed and was squirming in pain. Stylas stated to shout and say it's not hurting you there is nothing wrong with the denture. My friend again stated she was in pain. Stylas adopted a very aggressive bullying manner shouting loudly there is nothing wrong with the denture. My friend was getting very upset by the bullying behaviour. I said to Stylas my friend is clearly having a problem with the denture. I asked if the wires that were causing her problems could be cut off allowing her to use Fixodent to secure denture in mouth. He shout at me you are not a dentist you are not a dentist . He moved agressively towards me with his arm raised towards my body slightly pushing me. I went straight out to make a complaint about his rude agressive unacceptable behaviour. Avoid this dentist Alexandros Sylas at all costs.

Date:May 31 2019
Rating:Star Rating
Review Source

My husband had a broken molar, he is terrified of the dentist. I persuaded him to attend the appointment with me accompanying him. The dentist was very matter of fact about the check up. Despite explaining to the dentist that he was extremely anxious. The dentist did not to anything to reassure my husband. An extraction was needed, the process was not explained calmly to my husband. The dentist was professional effort with there skills. However it was like my husband was an object and not a person!! I had to reassure him. I had to calm him. The dentist was oblivious to the emotional distress my husband was in. Not impressed at all.
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Date:May 31 2019
Rating:Star Rating
Review Source

I attended the practice in November for a hygienist appointment. I chose this practice off a recommendation from someone else as I didn’t want to go to my normal NHS practice in Brighton. I was was welcomed by friendly reception staff who got me checked in and handed over the forms I needed to sign. The practice manager also passed by and welcomed me to the practice, which was a lovely touch! The appointment itself was well explained and was explained throughout so I knew what was going on and why. The standard shown by the hygienist was way up there too, much more comfortable and way less painful than my normal scale and polish at my other practice. Highly recommend and will be visiting again!
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mydentist, Dental Surgery, Highdene, High Street, Henfield, BN5 9DA

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