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NamePassage House Dental Care
Address227 Passage Road
BS10 7DL
Phone0117 9503141     Call Passage House Dental Care

Fax0117 9505088


Email info@passagehousedental.

RatingStar Rating 5 Reviews
Status :Closed
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 Dentist Information
Passage House Dental Care is a dental surgery near Bristol and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 5 reviews with a rating of 5.0 stars out of 5.
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Patient Reviews

Passage House Dental Care
Date:Jun 19 2018
Rating:Star Rating
Review Source

PROs: The surgery is very efficient - sometimes your check-up can be done in about 10minutes which is great if you're trying to fit it in around work - Despite the speed, the medical staff seem knowledgeable, thorough and offer you appropriate treatment options (*where applicable). They were usually friendly too. MID: They also offer both Private and NHS appointments - This is good if you need an appointment quickly and have the money to pay extra for it. CONs: The care is not very personal (as with most things these days). This surgery doesn't care why you miss an appointment - If you've had emergency medical treatment/ something major happens you'll be treated liked you just couldn't be arsed and it's treated like a regular "did not attend" all the same. *After 2 of those and you are removed from their care. They also don't call back when they say they will if the news is not positive - and send a letter to avoid a conversation they don't respect you enough to have over the phone. Personal Take: I've worked in the NHS (Booking Appointments) and so am usually very careful not to miss appointments & understand there are sometimes exceptional circumstances. I would have gladly paid a fine for missing the secondary appointment - But they don't care about your circumstances at all - you're just a number to them. Overall: Based on Dental Care alone I would absolutely recommend them.
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Passage House Dental Care
Date:Apr 27 2018
Rating:Star Rating
Review Source

My family & I have been attending this dental practice for over 20 years. The care, respect & treatment that we received in that time is 100 % +. Staff treat us with dignity & are always sensitive to our needs & even though we have private has always been excellent value for money. We highly recommended this dental practice for putting nervous patients at ease.
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Passage House Dental Care
By:M Glanville
Date:May 16 2017
Rating:Star Rating
Review Source

The reception staff are lovely and very helpful and the dentist is fantastic. I am extremely nervous and the dentist explains everything and is very kind and understanding. I have never been nore confident in a dentist, knowing they are doing the best for me and my teeth! Outstanding care.
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Passage House Dental Care, 227 Passage Road, Henbury, Bristol, BS10 7DL

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