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NameHertford Dental Care
Address195 Ware Road
SG13 7EQ
Phone01992 509669     Call Hertford Dental Care



RatingStar Rating 6 Reviews
Status :Open
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Hertford Dental Care is a dental surgery near Hertford and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 6 reviews with a rating of 4.3 stars out of 5.
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Patient Reviews

Hertford Dental Care
Date:Mar 23 2018
Rating:Star Rating
Review Source

After many years of being terrified of dentists I came here because I had 2 broken teeth. Luckily I had this dentist treat me. What a kind, patient man. He talked me through everything clearly giving me plenty of choices. I had 2 extractions without sedation. Brilliant care. Just been back for a check up. Never been heard of before. Yes I was nervous but needn't have been. Cannot explain how relaxed he made me feel. Another check up boojed.
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Hertford Dental Care
By:Mark catterick
Date:Jan 29 2018
Rating:Star Rating
Review Source

I have had a problem with snoring that has affected my family for a number of years. I have tried all manner of things to help with the issue including minor surgery and they have all failed. I was recommended a ‘Somnomed’ appliance by a family member in Australia and was informed that Hertford Dental Care was the nearest specialist practice to me that was licensed to supply the product. I met with the senior partner at the practice who very thoroughly explained what it was, how it worked, how much it cost and answered all of my other questions. At the same time, he took some imprints and other measurements and ordered the appliance. I returned a couple of weeks later when the appliance had been manufactured and he patiently demonstrated how it fitted, what to expect and how to care for it. He was very reassuring and told me to contact him if I had any problems or concerns. I went home and tried using it that night. The following morning my wife said for the first time in her memory I did not snore at all, she described it as ‘miraculous’. I have now been using it for a couple of weeks and it has totally cured my snoring problem. It takes no more than a couple of seconds to fit and I would recommend the product to anyone in a similar position. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Hertford Dental Care for their care and professionalism and to the senior partner in particular for his patience and positivity in dealing with my problem. .
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Hertford Dental Care
Date:Jun 6 2019
Rating:Star Rating
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Following a good decade of being so afraid of dentists that I avoided them as far as I could (and only seemed to have terrible experiences with them when I couldn't), an emergency lead me to making an appointment at Hertford Dental Care. I could not be happier that I did, the 3 appointments that I've had over the past month (two of them to check and treat the aforementioned emergency issue, one with a hygienist) have been real game changers for me. I feel that I was treated well and with respect and will not have so much trouble bringing myself to make any appointments I may need in the future or attend them as I may have previously. My teeth are in better shape than they've been in years. Absolutely fantastic. I would definitely suggest Hertford Dental Care to nervous or scared patients.
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Hertford Dental Care, 195 Ware Road, Hertford, SG13 7EQ

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