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NameBlackhorse Way Dental Surgery
Address7 Black horse way
West Sussex
RH12 1NU
Phone01403 254615     Call Blackhorse Way Dental Surgery

Fax01403 270 711


Email blackhorseway@soegateway

RatingStar Rating 14 Reviews
Status :Open
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 Dentist Information
Blackhorse Way Dental Surgery is a dental surgery near Horsham and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 14 reviews with a rating of 4.5 stars out of 5.
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Patient Reviews

Blackhorse Way Dental Surgery
Date:Jul 28 2019
Rating:Star Rating
Review Source

The dentist we saw did not make an effort to give our toddler a good experience on her first ever trip to the dentist for a check up and made me feel uncomfortable for bringing the children. The dentist seemed irritable and didn't listen to me when I explained my medical history. The manager said that this was 'a misunderstanding' when I complained. We've changed dentist to a different dental practice who are happy to give families a positive experience at the dentist.
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Blackhorse Way Dental Surgery
By:Andy R.
Date:Feb 14 2019
Rating:Star Rating
Review Source

I've been under the same dentist's care for some time now and can absolutely recommend her to anyone, especially those with a deep rooted fear of being in ' the chair ' like myself. I'm the biggest coward in the world when it comes to dental visits after some very unfortunate experiences when I was much younger but ever since I've been lucky enough to be placed with her every visit has been fantastic ... no other word for it; she has an absolutely charming manner and is so very gentle, she explains exactly what she will be doing in every procedure and makes it very clear to let her know if even the slightest discomfort is experienced along the way. I have to say that I haven't always taken care of my teeth properly in the past but despite that she is so non - judgemental and rather than telling me off she just offers great advice on what I can do to improve my oral health in the future. Every time I leave after an appointment I feel SO much better about life and look forward to my next visit, and I never thought I'd ever say that when it comes to dental appointments !, she ( and her assistants ) always make my visits very pleasant. Also, I should add that the reception team are equally as lovely with their big smiles and caring and professional approach. 10 out 10 to all of you. ??
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Blackhorse Way Dental Surgery
Date:Jan 29 2019
Rating:Star Rating
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I found the Receptionists to be friendly and welcoming. The treatment I received was very thorough, both from dentist. and hygienist. All in all I was quite impressed with the whole experience.
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Blackhorse Way Dental Surgery, 7 Black horse way, West Sussex, Horsham, RH12 1NU

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