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NameThe Dental Surgery
AddressMartlesham Heath Dental Practice
4 The Square
Martlesham Heath
Phone01473 626288     Call The Dental Surgery



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The Dental Surgery is a dental surgery near Ipswich and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 2 reviews with a rating of 3.5 stars out of 5.
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Patient Reviews

The Dental Surgery
By:George H
Date:Jan 30 2018
Rating:Star Rating
Review Source

I attended an appointment at this dentist having booked in advance and am happy with how I have been treated in my appointments. I have been to see them several times now, and was impressed in my most recent visit by their newly renovated waiting area in particular. The staff are always pleasant and happy to ask the questions that I have, and my teeth and gums continue to be healthy, so I would recommend this dentist
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Reply from The Dental Surgery
Sat, 03 Feb 2018 13:04:45 Z

Thank you for your review. The comments that you made are much appreciated.

The Dental Surgery
Date:Dec 26 2017
Rating:Star Rating
Review Source

I attended the dentist due to wisdom teeth problems and tooth infection. The dentist I saw informed me that i had gum disease and agreed that my wisdom teeth were causing me pain and infected. I was shocked at being told I had gum disease because it has never been mentioned before, my gums had only started bleeding a couple of days prior due to the wisdom tooth infection. I had also seen a dentist the day before as an emergency for the infection and that dentist didn't mention anything about gum disease. The dentist I saw at the Martlesham suggested I had X-rays of my wisdom teeth to confirm the angle and what treatment would be needed, this I agreed with and thought was a good idea. However I was moving away in a couple of weeks to a new city and to this the dentist said there was no point in having the Xray as the X-rays of my teeth belonged to the practice and were not able to be taken out. Annoyed at the new news of the gum disease, not being able to have X rays and being in pain from wisdom teeth I followed the dentists advise on cleaning and booked an appointment to see the hygienist at the practice the following week. The hygienist was very helpful (more than the dentist) and disagreed with the dentists opinion on my gum disease, explaining that yes my gums were saw but that was probably because I had a wisdom tooth infection and my face was swollen and I was struggling to clean my teeth properly lately but as a general rule my cleaning of teeth was good and gums were in normal condition. This made me annoyed as I had conflicting advise and didn't know who to believe but also relieved as I agreed with the hygienist and thought I didn't have gum disease. I decided to book an appointment at another dentist for a second opinion. The second opinion dentist agreed with the hygienist and also took my X rays, printed them and gave them to me. Arguing the point that the X ray are of my teeth therefore my property not the practice. Overall, I was not very happy with the dentists at Martlesham due to the inaccurate opinion of my teeth and 'rules' regarding X rays.
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Reply from The Dental Surgery
Wed, 10 Jan 2018 20:54:47 Z

At Martlesham Heath Dental Practice, we endeavour to treat all of our patients to a high standard. Therefore, we are sorry that you have felt dissatisfied with aspects of your care and are grateful for your feedback. This said, it is impossible to offer a detailed response to your concerns in a public forum. We therefore hope that the following general advice is helpful. With regard to diagnoses of conditions such as gum disease, there is often scope for genuine and reasonable differences of clinical opinion. However, if existing gum disease is not managed appropriately, it can lead to widespread and irreversible problems. With regard to radiology, it is important to avoid unnecessary exposure to ionising radiation. Ideally, emergency patients would take duplicate images to their own practices. However, it can be difficult to copy acetate films. Therefore, we try, wherever possible, to minimise the number of radiographs for one-off patients. We appreciate that such technical subjects can be the source of confusion. Therefore, if you would be kind enough to raise your concerns in accordance with our practice complaints policy, we would be happy to provide further clarifications on a suitably confidential basis.

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The Dental Surgery, Martlesham Heath Dental Practice, 4 The Square, Martlesham Heath, Ipswich, IP5 3SL

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