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NameThe Dental Health Centre (Mr C R Sutton)
Address3 Avenue Road
NG31 6TA
Phone01476 594480     Call The Dental Health Centre (Mr C R Sutton)



RatingStar Rating 69 Reviews
Status :Closed
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 Dentist Information
The Dental Health Centre (Mr C R Sutton) is a dental surgery near Grantham and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 69 reviews with a rating of 4.7 stars out of 5.
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Patient Reviews

The Dental Health Centre (Mr C R Sutton)
Date:Sep 6 2019
Rating:Star Rating
Review Source

Extremely professional establishment, from Reception staff to dental assistants to orthodontist. Both my daughters have had their braces fitted here. Appointment was done with speed and efficiency and my daughters nerves disappeared completely after a couple of minutes. I would highly recommend this practice to anyone.
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The Dental Health Centre (Mr C R Sutton)
By:Mrs J
Date:Sep 3 2019
Rating:Star Rating
Review Source

My appointment was with they hygienist, I do not find these appointments particularly pleasant.
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The Dental Health Centre (Mr C R Sutton)
Date:Jun 20 2022
Rating:Star Rating
Review Source

I went to this practice with a very small chip on the inside corner of my top right front tooth. I now wish I had just lived with it. The dentist gave me anaesthetic (unnecessary) and needlessly ground away a large amount of perfectly healthy tooth structure, exposing the inner dentin of the tooth which is harder to bond to than the outer enamel. I didn't question this at the time as I assumed I was in the hands of a professional. All that was needed was to etch the surface and apply composite (filler material). He left a score line on the back along which it broke shortly after. When I returned to the practice the same dentist replaced the missing composite (under anaesthetic again) and left a large amount of it in between the front teeth which I asked him to remove. This took a suspiciously long time and I saw him applying more composite. I was then presented with the image I have attached. He had accidentally ground away part of the adjacent tooth and filled in the original tooth to occupy it's space. He denied doing this as if I'm too stupid to know what my own teeth looked like. Similarly, the practice deny he ever worked there. I asked his assistant who said he's not qualified to answer that question. The dentists name was Dr Vasa and his assistant was one Neil Bookhouse/Brookhouse. I'm sure someone will recognise these names and see that I'm telling the truth. What should have been a simple, non-destructive restoration that would have lasted a long time has now left me with a problem that is very hard to reliably fix. The previously untouched tooth now has more material missing than the tooth that was originally chipped. So spare yourself a lifetime of nightmares, expensive and worrying dental procedures, having to eat (and do everything) extremely carefully and choose a more reputable dental practice as these people take no responsibility for their actions. No admission, apology or refund.

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The Dental Health Centre (Mr C R Sutton), 3 Avenue Road, Grantham, NG31 6TA

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