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NameLifton Surgery
AddressNorth Road
PL16 0EH



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Lifton Surgery is a GP Practice in Lifton and provides a list of services listed below if available. This GP practice has 5 reviews with a rating of 2.4 out of 5.

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Lifton Surgery
Date:Jul 18 2022
Rating:Star Rating
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Took my son in with a lump in his armpit that has been getting progressively worse over last 18 months, when he first got them we took him in to the surgery and they said just leave them unless they irritate him they should dissapear in a year or so. So we left them and they haven't disappeared, infact more have appeared. Now they are irritating him. The one in the armpit was red raw, by the time we took him to the surgery it was also infected, refused to remove it even though it is being rubbed to the point of bleeding and getting infected just from doing what 5 year olds do. It is at risk of constant infections because of its size and location, which infections can lead to serious situations such as sepsis. One Dr said they didn't want to remove it because it could leave a scar, I don't know any arm pit models and I don't think my son is going to become one. Not to mention it could leave a scar any way if it is rubbed saw constantly, The reception area also smelt like someone had urinated in there it was horrible. Not impressed with this surgery and wouldn't recommend it.

Lifton Surgery
By:sandra c
Date:Feb 9 2021
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FAO: all GPs and practice nurses I was asked raise awareness of Developmental Language Disorders (DLD); a neurological developmental condition that can persist into adulthood, more common than autism but not so widely known. Professor C Norbury’s 2014 research showed that DLD affects 7.58% children with 2 in every primary class of 30 children having severe enough DLD to hinder academic progress yet only half were diagnosed.     ‘Rachel the ‘write’ to speak’ by Sandra Capelin is an easy-to-read book with a powerful message for anyone working with children and young people as it illustrates the difficulties they face on a daily basis, both socially and academically. It is also an inspiration to anyone facing similar issues. The forward was written by Professor Dorothy Bishop, while the book tells how Rachel was born with a Language Disorder that went undiagnosed until she was sixteen years old despite her mother’s pleas for help from both health and education professionals. It also explains how Rachel struggled through mainstream school with little or no help yet managed to succeed against all odds. Although there is now more awareness of these problems parents are still fighting to get their children diagnosed while it becomes increasingly difficult to access specialist help due to government cut backs. A greater awareness of these hidden disorders is desperately needed.  ‘Rachel the ‘write’ to speak ’is available from Amazon for £5 and all good bookshops

Lifton Surgery
Date:Aug 27 2019
Rating:Star Rating
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I personally have found this to be a very welcoming small surgery with a friendly, helpful, and knowledgeable team.
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