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NameThe Poplars Surgery
AddressMagpie Crescent

Fax01438 749545


Email stanmoremedicalgroup@nhs

RatingStar Rating 4 Reviews

CCGNHS East And North Hertfordshire CCG
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Status :Closed
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 GP Information
The Poplars Surgery is a GP Practice in Stevenage and provides a list of services listed below if available. This GP practice has 4 reviews with a rating of 2 out of 5.

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  • Asthma Clinic
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  • Learning disability health check
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Patient Reviews

The Poplars Surgery
Date:Oct 13 2016
Rating:Star Rating
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I rang to ask for an expedite appointment due to my diabetic hospital appointments being repeatedly cancelled. I was supposed to have a hospital appointment 2 months after my last one and instead it has now been over a year and counting. The last time I was seen by the hospital I was in admitted for diabetic ketoacidosis and have not been seen since. Not only did the doctors not refer me to the hospital before being reminded a month later by myself but they refused my expedite appointment. Whichever doctor thinks that someone who was at risk of death and then has been abandoned by the health services for over a year does not need a hospital appointment soon should be ashamed of themselves. Not only that, but when trying to arrange an expedite appointment I was sent a text message after asking me to call the diabetes service who were very confused when I did call as hadn't been referred for the appointment... I'm incensed by the lack of care and respect I have been shown.
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The Poplars Surgery
Date:Sep 11 2016
Rating:Star Rating
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I can't say I would recommend this service as after 26 years with the surgery, my gp retiring and having to explore the other gps (some I have to say are awful! But I have found a very love doctor now!!) I have been let down in the biggest way possible. I visited last year for an ongoing problem. The doctor decided it was ok not to care about my problem and fobbed me off with "your overweight, that's why it's happening" "I'll print off some sheets for you to read". Didn't examine me as "I walked into the surgery normally". How am I supposed to walk I asked myself? After a year of trying for an appointment I could attend as I am a student nurse so hours to me are not always the same and struggle to get a same day appointment (not easy at this surgery) and plucking up courage to go back (after losing nearly 2 stone) I have now seen a very lovely Doctor who has said that I actually needed to be referred for physio a year ago to fix the underlying problem. I have nothing but praise for this doctor. They sat and listened to my problem. I explained that actually I'm actually very fit and active and hold national titles in ballroom and Latin dancing of which I am proud of and because of the problems I've been having I haven't been able to compete very often anymore. I had an accident about four weeks ago involving the same injury and the doctor in the hospital was horrified it hadn't been seen sooner. I made a complaint to the surgery and was told because I had no swelling and a normal walk (how the no swelling decision came about I don't know due to the fact it wasn't seen) there was nothing they could do and because I didn't mention it to anyone else I'd seen they thought it wasn't a problem. Well would you mention it if you thought you were fat and lazy as I was made to feel on my first consultation. I've been left disappointed, let down, more injured than I was on my first consultation, discriminated against just because of my size and completely untrusting. I don't want to visit the GP anymore. I hardly go anyway. Twice a year tops of that because I don't like wasting GP's time as it is because of how short it is for them. But I've been made to feel I've wasted their time and that I'm worthless which has not helped my self esteem. Let's put it that way. Thank you for making me feel terrible but thank you to the wonderful doctor who had finally helped me and put me on the right track. It's a shame I can't mention names as they were just marvelous. I don't need a reply as my complaint is/has been dealt with (poorly!!) but it has.
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The Poplars Surgery
Date:Oct 28 2014
Rating:Star Rating
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I have been registered here for nearly 4 years now, I have seen every GP at the surgery and dont feel any one of them has the time of day for me. If you want to make an appoitment for something non emergancy you will be waiting at least three weeks to see someone. I dont feel any of the GP's listen to you or respect you. I have had an ongoing issue for years and always been fobbed off with more tablets, I finally got referred to Lister Hospital and discovered not only was I on the wrong medication but it was probably making my condition worse!
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The Poplars Surgery

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