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NameGravesend Medical Centre
Address1 New Swan Yard
DA12 2EN

Fax01474 333629



RatingStar Rating 33 Reviews

CCGNHS Dartford, Gravesham And Swanley CCG
E PrescriptionsAvailable
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 GP Information
Gravesend Medical Centre is a GP Practice in Gravesend and provides a list of services listed below if available. This GP practice has 33 reviews with a rating of 2 out of 5 and a CQC rating of Requires improvement.

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 CQC Rating   CQC Rating

Requires improvement

Requires improvement



Requires improvement

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GP Services
  • Learning disability health check
GP Performance

The table below is a standard list of gp practice metrics that are complied annually for practices in England. You can use this list to see how Gravesend Medical Centre is doing in areas that may be important to you.
Health MetricDetailIndicator
Cervical Screening Ages 25 to 491,894 individuals have been screened out of a possible 3,076 eligible people.

A total of 61.6% of possible patients have been screened which is below the 80% requirement. The GP practice needs to sceen another 567 people to hit the required 80% screening target.
Cervical Screening Ages 50 to 64773 individuals have been screened out of a possible 1,146 eligible people.

A total of 67.5% of possible patients have been screened which is below the 80% requirement. The GP practice needs to sceen another 144 people to hit the required 80% screening target.
Overall number of GP appointments5,660 Number of appointments in Aug 2023 from a practice list size of 16,308 patients5,660
Face to face appointments3,625 Face to Face appointments in Aug 2023 which is 64% of the total number of appointments.3,625
Home Visits4 Home Visits in Aug 2023 which is 0.1% of the total number of appointments.4
Telephone appointments2,031 Telephone appointments in Aug 2023 which is 35.9% of the total number of appointments.2,031
Unknown appointments0 Unknown appointments in Aug 2023 which is 0% of the total number of appointments.0
Video call appointments0 Video call appointments in Aug 2023 which is 0% of the total number of appointments.0

   Patient Ratings







Patient Reviews

Gravesend Medical Centre
Date:Jan 21 2024
Rating:Star Rating
Review Source

Dear Sir/Madam I am not happy by the way how I was treated by the nurse Rosemary on previous appointments, she wrongly treated me .I have Hade right ear infection and she ignored it.I am the homeless and I have nowhere to live and it worsened my I'll health.Thank you.

Gravesend Medical Centre
Date:Mar 31 2023
Rating:Star Rating
Review Source

what's the point when the doc at the hospital says see ur doc in a week so we can move forward and u can even get an appointment so what was the point

Gravesend Medical Centre
By:Gravesend M
Date:Sep 4 2019
Rating:Star Rating
Review Source

I feel that the previous appointment system was much better and in favour of the patients who had the option to see a doctor on the day by either walking in or booking over the phone. Whoever has come up with this new idea of the now current appointment system really needs to review it. I find it totally unacceptable and a bad decision on the surgery's side. Due to this patients will be choosing other surgeries over this one. Working people don't get as much free time as these doctors have now made for themselves by doing triage calls, if I call up on my only day off with a issue that is bothering me and effecting my way or life and my work then I expect the doctor who calls me to arrange a face to face appointment on the same day not tell me to book a routine appointment which isn't available for almost 3 weeks, and even then I would have to take off more time off work and maybe be in a much worse state!!!! This really needs to be reviewed!!
Original Comment Report...

Reply from Gravesend Medical Centre
Thu, 05 Sep 2019 10:58:07 +0100

Dear patient of Gravesend Medical Centre We are very sorry that you are not happy with our appointment system. It was introduced to increase patient/doctor contact as many problems can be dealt with over the phone, making it easier for patients to consult with a doctor and generally has been favourably met with our patients. We feel the new system works better for patients who work as it allows the GP to give advice and deal with the problem without the need for the patient to take time off to attend the surgery. We also signpost patients to a more suitable service or if serious can arrange for the patient to be seen the same day. It should be noted that no-one was guaranteed an on-the-day appointment in the ‘old’ system and patients are encouraged to book in advance for non-urgent matters. It is hoped that with a better understanding of how this system works you will find it more agreeable in the future. The new system is a ‘work-in-progress’; we value your feedback which will be passed on to the Clinical Lead for appointments Kind regards Rosamond Thompson, Assistant Practice Manager

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