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NameChobham And West End Medical Practice (Lucas Green Road Branch)
AddressLucas Green Road
West End
GU24 9LU



RatingStar Rating 14 Reviews

CCGNHS North West Surrey CCG
E PrescriptionsAvailable
Status :Closed
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 GP Information
Chobham And West End Medical Practice (Lucas Green Road Branch) is a GP Practice in Woking and provides a list of services listed below if available. This GP practice has 12 reviews with a rating of 1.9 out of 5.

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Patient Reviews

Chobham And West End Medical Practice (Lucas Green Road Branch)
Date:Sep 22 2022
Rating:Star Rating
Review Source

I needed a practice nurse appointment to review my wound having had spinal surgery. I was experiencing pain and was concerned about possible infection even maybe sepsis. No appointments for over 2 weeks! No emergency appointments available at all. Total lack of concern or empathy from the receptionist who repeated several times that she could do nothing. What is the point of hospitals directing patients to local practice nurses on discharge if you have concerns? I have yet to receive satisfactory care from the West End surgery, let alone good care. I am only thankful that I am moving out of area. Nothing can be worse.

Chobham And West End Medical Practice (Lucas Green Road Branch)
Date:Mar 16 2022
Rating:Star Rating
Review Source

My comments are in no way directed at the medical staff in the practise - I have always had excellent care. But why ever do we as patients have to wait for such ages to speak to a receptionist This is entirely unreasonable. Today, from just after 2pm, I have waited for over forty minutes and then given up. This is quite typical What is the problem - shortage of staff, inadequate phone lines? Invariably one then has to wait for several weeks to actually get an appointment and this will most probably be on the phone. Recently I phoned exactly at 8am and was 19 in the queue. Once I eventually spoke to a receptionist I was told that all appointments had been taken for the day and the next available would be about ten days. No wonder A and E is so busy. I have asked friends who live elsewhere, if they encounter these problems and not one of them has, either in speaking to a receptionist or securing an appointment as we do here in Chobham and West End. What is so wrong here?

Chobham And West End Medical Practice (Lucas Green Road Branch)
Date:Aug 17 2018
Rating:Star Rating
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I rang the surgery on Wednesday 15th August to attempt to book an advanced appointment - I was told the earliest I could book was 13/14th September. I decided I could not wait that long so rang again this morning 17th August to book an on the day appointment. I rang at 7.59 and was off hold and speaking to someone by 8.03 only to be told there were no appointments left for today. I was told by a receptionist, in a very rude tone, that I should have been queuing outside the surgery before 8am in order to get an appointment. They said I would only be allowed an appointment today if it was an emergency and that if it was a real emergency I should be in a and e. I was made to feel like I was wasting the receptionists time for even calling to try to book an appoointment due to their tone of voice and comments they made. I feel I was not treated with dignity or respect by that particular receptionist and also feel like having to queue outside a surgery for an appointment is totally unacceptable.
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Chobham And West End Medical Practice (Lucas Green Road Branch)

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