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NameStudent Medical Centre
AddressGillett Road
Talbot Village
BH12 5BF

Fax01202 965590



RatingStar Rating 7 Reviews

E PrescriptionsAvailable
Status :Closed
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 GP Information
Student Medical Centre is a GP Practice in Poole and provides a list of services listed below if available. This GP practice has 7 reviews with a rating of 1.6 out of 5.

  Opening Times    Closed
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GP Services
  • Asthma Clinic
  • Child health and development
  • Learning disability health check
  • Long Acting Reversible Contraception
  • Minor surgery (removal of moles,skin lesions)
  • Primary care counselling service
   Patient Ratings







Patient Reviews

Student Medical Centre
Date:Oct 16 2018
Rating:Star Rating
Review Source

Can never get through on the phone - all I want is a repeat prescription. In the past when I have wanted an appointment there are never any left unless I come in at 8:30 am and queue. Even then you don't always get one. Something seriously needs to be done to improve Bournemouth Uni's medical Centre.
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Reply from Student Medical Centre
Mon, 22 Oct 2018 11:50:16 +0100

We do offer online requests for repeat prescriptions if you would like to drop in with a form of ID the staff can sign you up for online services. There is also an App you can download to your phone or tablet.

Student Medical Centre
Date:Mar 15 2018
Rating:Star Rating
Review Source

I’m writing this review out of absolute disgust of the absolute abysmal service, professionalism and respect that Bournemouth medical centre has attributed itself. Over the past month myself and my girlfriend have been unwell and we have both used the medical centre due to its practicality being part of our universities. Firstly if anyone is reading this (bu/aub students in particular) I would strongly advice you DO NOT use this gp as your official gp whilst at uni. Here are my reasons: 1) You can never, ever, ever, ever, ever get through to their telephone number. The only time I have ever had any success in them recieving my calls, is when I have called the emergency 111 number and then only have I been able to get throughto the centre. One day in particular I called over 20 times throughout the day, to only be redirected to their stupid automated answerphone. 2) Getting a appointment is so inaccessible they make it almost impossible to get an appointment. If you need a appointment on the same day, you cannot call to book an appointment. They advice you to physically wait in a unstaffed cue from 8:30am (early because of their extremally limited spaces) until 9am. 9am being the time that their staff swan on in with not a care in the world that you have been waiting patiently to gain an appointment. I find it absolutely rediculuous that you have to turn up to a gp before it’s even opened to get a appointment. Often you will have to Hang around for hours in order to finally see the doctor. You’d think that waiting from 8:30 you’d definately get an appointment, think again!!! I Once cued up early being the 4th, 5th in line to still be told that they do not have the space for me on that same day. I asked “please I really need to see someone today?” To be told sarcastically “you should have got here earlier” appalling!! 3) Not the Doctors, but the reception staff show absolutely 0 regard for its patients what so ever. 4) The reception staff give out misleading advice. They have sent me to the hospital on wrong accord, have sent me to emergency clinics to get a referral for the emergency clinic to send me away. The Bournemouth medical centre really needs to stay up to date and give solid advice before sending people to different practices etc. I have so much more to say - but quite frankly this review has a word limit which is vastly approaching. So I’ll end on this, please what ever you do, do not use this medical centre the staff and organisation is terrible and will only leave you tired, angry and feeling more ill than you started the day at. AVOID
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Student Medical Centre
Date:Feb 6 2019
Rating:Star Rating
Review Source

I have nothing good to say...the phone number does not work! It rings then goes straight to a long answer phone message then cuts off - I wouldn't even bother trying to ring them. Upon this I have had to ring the main surgery - Talbot Medical Centre - to book an appointment for the Student Medical Centre, as I do not have a log in to book online. They are able to book appointments for this surgery as they are also the out of hours number for the student medical centre. I got an appointment with a very rude Doctor who was no help whatsoever, they clearly did not care about anything I had to say and also gave me false information (compared to the NHS website itself). Got no where by the end of the appointment so was a waste of time and I am having to go back again, however I will not be seeing the same Doctor. To book the second appointment I had to ring the Talbot Medical Centre again, however this time the receptionist was extremely rude, telling me that they cannot book appointments for the student medical centre (even though they have before) and that 'everyone else can ring the student medical centre just fine' (when clearly they can't, having read these reviews). I was persistent and eventually they booked me another appointment with a different Doctor but I will be moving surgeries after this terrible service.
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