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NameLilliput Surgery
AddressElms Avenue
BH14 8EE



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 GP Information
Lilliput Surgery is a GP Practice in Poole and provides a list of services listed below if available. This GP practice has 55 reviews with a rating of 3.1 out of 5.

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GP Services
  • Asthma Clinic
  • Child health and development
  • COPD clinic with spirometry
  • Learning disability health check
  • Minor surgery (removal of moles,skin lesions)
   Patient Ratings







Patient Reviews

Lilliput Surgery
Date:Apr 22 2023
Rating:Star Rating
Review Source

I’ve had some horrendous experiences with this surgery over the years but recently they seemed to be getting better. There are some wonderful doctors and nurses here, and the receptionists have been very helpful recently. Unfortunately D Sam, who I’m told is the one responsible for my medications, is grossly incompetent and negligent. Unfortunately Dr Sam is unable to perform basic mathematics and this inability to count is causing havoc on my already fragile body and mind. Once again my meds have not been sent to the pharmacy before I’m due to run out. I have 224 tablets, 8 per day, for 28 days. On the 27th day, Thursday , I put in my request to give them time to get it done before the weekend, as by Monday this would be 32 days. Simple math that my dog could probably do. Yet Dr Sam has completely ignored my request, despite knowing the consequences to a sudden stop in this particular medication. I have enough saved as an emergency (because of this happening so many times) to last until Sunday night , if I only take half my daily dose today and tomorrow. I have to then hope that on Monday I can get it sorted asap, as by then I will be completely out and at the mercy of dangerous withdrawal symptoms. This has happened so many times over the years, generally seems to be every few months Dr Sam does this to me. It’s either down to incompetence or a conscious decision to go against the oath they took to do no harm. Harm as very much been done. Every 28 days I go through the stress of wondering if Dr Sam is going to do his job or not. And every few months I go through the agony of running out of medication because they didn’t. I’m at a loss. I could leave Lilliput surgery but the GP I see, Dr Lock, is amazing! I’m right in the middle of us sorting several health concerns and reluctant to start again with someone new. But I can’t keep going through this it’s too stressful and dangerous. It’s also completely avoidable, just learn to count for Christ sake or buy a calculator, or find some ethics maybe and re read your oath! I will be looking into what action I can take against Dr Sam and which medical associations I need to report to. I have overheard another patient having a similar issue and was saying to the pharmacist that this has happened to them several times. I wonder if this is also Dr Sam’s doing. It can’t keep happening. It’s bringing the whole surgery down! My review is based solely on this one GP.

Lilliput Surgery
Date:Apr 21 2023
Rating:Star Rating
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The service i have recently had from Lilliput Surgery has been excellent. Using the Klinik online service I received very quick responses and consultations. The two Dr’s I saw, Dr Holly Poulson and Dr Maria Ashraf were both charming, patient and genuinely caring. The Nurse that took my blood, Ms Bravington was gentle and skilled and took care to minimise any discomfort. Finally each receptionist that I have had contact with has also been as helpful as possible. To be honest, I was wasn’t expecting such good service and feel that it is important to recognise it in this review and hope that this helps to give a more balanced assessment as most people will usually be more motivated to give a bad review.

Lilliput Surgery
Date:Feb 17 2023
Rating:Star Rating
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Incompetent, rude, void of empathy and dangerous. Every few months they decide to suddenly stop my meds, without telling me, causing severe withdrawal symptoms. I will now be reporting this surgery as I’ve had enough.

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