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NamePensilva Health Centre
AddressSchool Road
PL14 5RP

Fax01579 363323



RatingStar Rating 8 Reviews

E PrescriptionsNot Available
Status :Closed
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 GP Information
Pensilva Health Centre is a GP Practice in Liskeard and provides a list of services listed below if available. This GP practice has 7 reviews with a rating of 3 out of 5.

  Opening Times    Closed
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GP Services
  • Anticoagulant monitoring and dosing
  • Asthma Clinic
  • Baby clinic with health visitor
  • Child health and development
  • Child Immunisations
  • COPD clinic with spirometry
  • Diabetes Clinic providing insulin initiation
  • Hormonal injections/implants
  • Joint injections
  • Learning disability health check
  • Long Acting Reversible Contraception
  • Minor surgery (removal of moles,skin lesions)
  • Obesity management clinic
  • Primary care counselling service
  • Smoking cessation clinic
  • Travel health without yellow fever
  • Vascular testing (D-dimer and Dopler)
   Patient Ratings







Patient Reviews

Pensilva Health Centre
Date:Sep 10 2018
Rating:Star Rating
Review Source

Pensilva Health Centre has recently merged with Oak Tree Surgery in Liskeard. Since the merger the practice has changed a few of their procedures, which is fine for the most part, however it does have a few down fall and as a CFS sufferer I seem to fall through the cracks a lot. As a patient with CFS I would hope that my doctor would understand that I am in pain and discomfort at least 90% of the time and for me to muster up the strength to call the doctors means that I have an unusual symptom which is causing me a lot of pain and distress. I phone the surgery and tell the receptionist my symptoms and she passes it on to the doctors who then phones me back and ask you a few hurried questions. One of the symptoms of CFS is brain fog which means I forget words, I forget entire sentences and when I'm made to rush I forget how to talk altogether, so as you can imagine a high spend triage phone call does not allow me to fully get my point across about how ill I am. I was told to have a look on the NHS website to find out how to treat my symptoms for a nasty sinus infection which I have had for over a month now. The website kindly informed me of a few things. See a GP if: your symptoms are severe painkillers don't help or your symptoms get worse your symptoms don't improve after a week you keep getting sinusitis I fall under all four categories and yet I have been denied an appointment. I'm not sure if it is just a CFS patient falling through the cracks or if all Pensilva Health Centres patients are suffering the same level of ethical failure.
Original Comment Report...

Pensilva Health Centre
Date:Sep 10 2018
Rating:Star Rating
Review Source

Pensilva Health Centre has recently merged with Oak Tree Surgery in Liskeard. Since the merger the practice has changed a few of their procedures, which is fine for the most part, however it does have a few down fall and as a CFS sufferer I seem to fall through the cracks a lot. As a patient with CFS I would hope that my doctor would understand that I am in pain and discomfort at least 90% of the time and for me to muster up the strength to call the doctors means that I have an unusual symptom which is causing me a lot of pain and distress. I phone the surgery and tell the receptionist my symptoms and she passes it on to the doctors who then phones me back and ask you a few hurried questions. One of the symptoms of CFS is brain fog which means I forget words, I forget entire sentences and when I'm made to rush I forget how to talk altogether, so as you can imagine a high spend triage phone call does not allow me to fully get my point across about how ill I am. I was told to have a look on the NHS website to find out how to treat my symptoms for a nasty sinus infection which I have had for over a month now. The website kindly informed me of a few things. See a GP if: your symptoms are severe painkillers don't help or your symptoms get worse your symptoms don't improve after a week you keep getting sinusitis I fall under all four categories and yet I have been denied an appointment. I'm not sure if it is just a CFS patient falling through the cracks or if all Pensilva Health Centres patients are suffering the same level of ethical failure.
Original Comment Report...

Pensilva Health Centre
Date:Dec 28 2018
Rating:Star Rating
Review Source

Gone are the old days of calling up and getting an appointment! Understand that the surgery has merged or changed hands and most of original doctors are no longer there, Takes at least 3 phone calls back to see if you are justified to go and see a doctor! Having to discuss a private condition with a receptionist then a triage nurse before getting the doctor to call you I feel is not really appropriate! On one occasion it took 2 days for a doctor to call me back! Ended up going as an emergency to Liskeard hospital! They might think this new system is great but sorry I feel it a let down in the service! In the process of changing surgeries!
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