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NameShirley Medical Centre (Solihull Healthcare Partnership)
Address8 Union Road
B90 3DT

Fax0121 7449109



RatingStar Rating 35 Reviews

CCGNHS Birmingham And Solihull CCG
E PrescriptionsAvailable
Status :Closed
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 GP Information
Shirley Medical Centre (Solihull Healthcare Partnership) is a GP Practice in Solihull and provides a list of services listed below if available. This GP practice has 34 reviews with a rating of 3 out of 5.

  Opening Times    Closed
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GP Services
  • Asthma Clinic
  • Child health and development
  • Learning disability health check
  • Long Acting Reversible Contraception
  • Minor surgery (removal of moles,skin lesions)
   Patient Ratings







Patient Reviews

Shirley Medical Centre (Solihull Healthcare Partnership)
Date:Jan 3 2023
Rating:Star Rating
Review Source

To get an appointment is terrible, the receptionist can be rude, people that need to give letters for treatment are not been seen the joining of the SHP is not on and people are dying because they cannot get treatment. The drs is unbelievable why should we have to pay or go without health treatment. I don’t like discussing my medical condition to a receptionist. Think it’s about time you got your act together the public are losing their patience.

Shirley Medical Centre (Solihull Healthcare Partnership)
Date:Dec 27 2022
Rating:Star Rating
Review Source

been a patient of this surgery since 1966 it used to be a lovely doctors you could book by phone,or by visit, you had the same doctor who knew your medical history. Since covid everthing has changed its run like a concentation camp you would get a better service in prison

Shirley Medical Centre (Solihull Healthcare Partnership)
Date:Mar 9 2022
Rating:Star Rating
Review Source

A surgery previously offering the kind of personal medical care any ill person could wish for through its previous GP - Dr Michael Abdou - is slowly being killed off by the new owners and management team - Solihull Healthcare Partnership. The new management team are an embarrassment to the profession and should hang their heads in shame by their lack of ethics, patient care and the overall gradual degradation and slow destruction of the practice. I can understand the NHS is under pressure but this is ridiculous. With call wait times of over 1hr (where you are either palmed off by the receptionists or call navigators/ handlers) - when you do eventually get to the front of the queue, the call cuts off and you have to call back and join the back of queue again at number 57. If you do end up speaking to an actual human, you soon find that they are as unhelpful as can be and any potential appointments with any of the GPs are none existent. If you're lucky, you might secure an appointment for 2 weeks away. I should add as a caveat that they do have 1 or 2 supportive staff members at the practice, but they are few and far between and it seems the rot has already set in and no one wants to try and shoulder and sort out what is clearly a serious ongoing issue. Even obtaining repeat prescriptions are a nightmare either online or via their website and you find yourself having to repeat yourself every time you need to call the practice - which is often. Despite several complaints and discussions with managers and doctors at the practice (with the assurances that it would all be sorted), I find myself calling over and over and spending over (on one occasion 6hrs in total waiting on hold) to try and resolve a simple query. It seems there is no real care and concern for patient welfare and so when patients do eventually get to speak to a real person (doctor, pharmacist, nurse, call handler etc), they are so relieved that they take as much time as possible to ensure all and any queries they have are resolved there and then (thereby making any telephone queues longer). I have been a patient at this practice for over 20 years and for the first time, i am looking at switching to another GP practice that offers a real honest and satisfactory medical service. The Partnership seems to be all about making as much money as possible while tearing out the soul of this once admired GP's surgery. I am writing this directly to NHS England for them to look into the practice and the increasing levels of patient complaints and dissatisfaction raised against the practice and hold them to account? Its just not acceptable public service - if you can call it service

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Shirley Medical Centre (Solihull Healthcare Partnership)

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