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NameCrossroads Medical Practice
AddressLincoln Road
North Hykeham

Fax01522 697930



RatingStar Rating 29 Reviews

CCGNHS Lincolnshire West CCG
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Crossroads Medical Practice is a GP Practice in Lincoln and provides a list of services listed below if available. This GP practice has 28 reviews with a rating of 2.1 out of 5.

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Patient Reviews

Crossroads Medical Practice
Date:Sep 4 2019
Rating:Star Rating
Review Source

My visit to see a Doctor in April this year for a shoulder issue, the Doctor examined me and said he would arrange for a scan, this decision was overused by an other, for what reason I do not know, Instead of a scan was sent for an x-ray , not conclusive, then Physio, no better, took tablets for three weeks to help with pain and discomfort, just this month had an appointment at Hospital to see a specialist, now I have been told that a scan will be organised, five months and lots of pain and discomfort later I am back to square one and having a scan, could be a month or more yet, why was the initial doctors request for me to have a scan dismissed?
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Crossroads Medical Practice
Date:Apr 26 2019
Rating:Star Rating
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This practice used to be amazing. Keyword being "used." This has been my family's doctor for years and when a now-retired GP was there, it was great. But now this practice is shameful. I have had multiple instances of this practice interfering with my care from other specialised parts of the NHS for no reason. These delays which amounted to no change and I ended up where I was supposed to be. And because of a lack of care from the secretary team and not sending my referral for an entire month (i know this because I called the clinic to find they haven't received it, to which I had to call Crossroads to get them to send it again). It has now added an additional six months wait time to the care I desperately need but the practice is unable to provide. Trying to get an appoint is nearly impossible without the multiple people trying at once due to a lack of people answering the phone. And the worst part is if I transfer to another clinic while I am one a very long waiting list, I know for a fact that if Crossroads receives my appointment they will not send it to the replacement practice, because as explained before, they couldn't even send the information the Clinic requested on my behalf. So I move there is a high likely hood I will miss my appointment window because of a lack of care from members of staff. There has been only one doctor in the past two or so years that has been a good caring doctor but there have been many disrespectful and horrible ones that shouldn't look after patients. I am caught in the worst situation that if I abandon this practice and find a better replacement I will fear that I will never get the care I need. If you are looking at the practice don't waste your time with them, because they will waste your time. I am writing this review now because I have been informed that as mentioned above, my specialist clinic has dramatically increased the waiting time for my care. So if the paperwork was sent on time and not delayed a month, I would be seeing the Specialist clinic this year. Not next. Disappointment is not the word, it is heartbroken.
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Reply from Crossroads Medical Practice
Tue, 07 May 2019 13:52:10 +0100

Dear Patient Firstly I would like to say how sorry I am that you feel our service does not meet with your expectations. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss this with you further so that I can understand where you feel things have gone wrong, and if there is anything we can do to make things better for you. If you can identify where there has been any inappropriate management of your care then I would like to be able to investigate this further. Good quality patient care is our priority and we need to know if there are processes that we can improve on, to ensure patients are not inconvenienced and that patients recieve appropriate care in an acceptable time frame. Any patient moving to another GP practice should still receive their appointment. A referring practice does not cancel appointments for patients because they move practice and as long as the hospitals and clinics involved are made aware of any changes either to the patient's GP Practice or to the patients home address there should be no disruption to the care a patient is referred for. With regard to acheiving an appointment to be seen at the practice, please be aware that we have in excess of 6000 registered patients, and there is a very high demand for our appointments. We are trying to create better ways of managing the demand, our phones are fully staffed in a morning and although calls may appear to be going unanswered I assure you this is not the case. Please contact me at the practice should you wish to discuss any of your concerns further. Kind Regards Angela Gresham Prractice Manager

Crossroads Medical Practice
Date:Feb 21 2019
Rating:Star Rating
Review Source

An instance on 1 bad experience- there are more!! Received a telephone call from the survey to say the doctor would like me to make an appointment regarding some test results he had received back. Phoned the surgery the following morning as I was told to do, only to be told that there are no doctors in only 2 nurse practitioners. Ok, I’ll make an appointment with one of them. “What is it for” I am asked. I explained the phone call I had received, to be told there are no appointments available at all that day. Within the space of 6 minutes all appointments had been taken. I’m told the only pre-bookable appointment is a week away! The attitude of the receptionist was awful. Very unhelpful. Had to keep putting me on hold as she didn’t know what to do. I am so disappointed with this place, I have been a patient here for years but the decline is noticeable and is getting worse. I am now moving surgeries due to this, which I didn’t really want to do as it is convenient for me, but I see no other alternative.
Original Comment Report...

Reply from Crossroads Medical Practice
Thu, 28 Feb 2019 10:39:27 Z

Dear Patient In response to your above comment, I would like to apologise for causing you frustration and I am sorry you have felt the need to transfer to another surgery. We have recently had a spate of ill health amongst our clinicians, unfortunately we do not know when these events will happen and it is very difficult for us to secure replacement clinicians at a moments notice. Even when we are running with a full compliment of clinicians our appointments for the day are often gone within 10 to 15 minutes of our telephone lines opening. I am only able to offer you an explaination and unfortunately do not feel we would have been able to do anything differently. I would be happy to speak to the staff concerned if you would contact me to let me know the date of your call. Good customer service is paramount and I am sorry we did not meet with your expectations. An explaination for your unhappy experience may also be that we do have some new staff who have had their basic training but there is still a lot to learn. I would be happy to discuss this further if you would like to contact me. Kind regards Angela Practice Manager

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