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NameOakwood Surgery
AddressChurch Street
Mansfield Woodhouse
NG19 8BL

Fax01623 423480



RatingStar Rating 34 Reviews

CCGNHS Mansfield And Ashfield CCG
E PrescriptionsAvailable
Status :Open
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 GP Information
Oakwood Surgery is a GP Practice in Mansfield and provides a list of services listed below if available. This GP practice has 33 reviews with a rating of 3.4 out of 5 and a CQC rating of Good.

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 CQC Rating   CQC Rating






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GP Services
  • Learning disability health check
GP Performance

The table below is a standard list of gp practice metrics that are complied annually for practices in England. You can use this list to see how Oakwood Surgery is doing in areas that may be important to you.
Health MetricDetailIndicator
Cervical Screening Ages 25 to 491,600 individuals have been screened out of a possible 2,330 eligible people.

A total of 68.7% of possible patients have been screened which is below the 80% requirement. The GP practice needs to sceen another 264 people to hit the required 80% screening target.
Cervical Screening Ages 50 to 641,041 individuals have been screened out of a possible 1,437 eligible people.

A total of 72.4% of possible patients have been screened which is below the 80% requirement. The GP practice needs to sceen another 109 people to hit the required 80% screening target.
Overall number of GP appointments7,065 Number of appointments in Aug 2023 from a practice list size of 15,902 patients7,065
Face to face appointments6,710 Face to Face appointments in Aug 2023 which is 95% of the total number of appointments.6,710
Home Visits0 Home Visits in Aug 2023 which is 0% of the total number of appointments.0
Telephone appointments284 Telephone appointments in Aug 2023 which is 4% of the total number of appointments.284
Unknown appointments71 Unknown appointments in Aug 2023 which is 1% of the total number of appointments.71
Video call appointments0 Video call appointments in Aug 2023 which is 0% of the total number of appointments.0

   Patient Ratings







Patient Reviews

Oakwood Surgery
By:Sue A
Date:Apr 19 2022
Rating:Star Rating
Review Source

I am so frustrated with the telephone system for ‘trying’ to get a GP appointment, I rang today at exactly 8.30 after all the lecture about covid etc I was told the lines aren’t open yet, I did this three times on speed dial, on the next try the lines were open but all busy so try later, I tried later a number of times all lines busy then no appointments left and cut off. Just not good enough!

Oakwood Surgery
Date:Mar 10 2022
Rating:Star Rating
Review Source

Have had some bad experiences here one being my orthopaedic consultant at KMH requesting my GP to refer me to rheumatology but the GP surgery didn’t read the letter just filed it away 6 months later when my orthopaedic consultant asked if I’d had referal yet I explained I’d heard nothing so he sent another letter and again same thing happened, I heard nothing when I had to go in for an ECG I asked the nurse how I find out about how my referal is going on she said she can look on her computer she did this but there was nothing and said she’d chase it up for me, the next morning a GP phoned me to apologise and told me no one had read the letters they’d just been filed away, took 2 and half years for me to finally get my rheumatology appointment, another was I saw a doctor due to having stomach pains he said “you have gallstones, you fit the 3 F criteria, female, fair skinned and fat” he sent me for scan and I didn’t have gallstones, I just found this rude the way he phrased it, and another was having issues with my prescription and was stressing and unsure what to do, I spoke to a lady at the prescription desk she told me what I already knew that my gp sent it to local pharmacy I explained they haven’t got it and told me to chase it up with my GP surgery prescription deal and her response was “it was sent to Rowlands pharmacy it’s the responsibility to deal with now” was very blunt and rude and didn’t want to give me any advice, thankfully my pharmacist made some calls and found my prescription at another pharmacy and sorted the issue for me, it’s also a nightmare to book appointments, other than that most of the GPs and other stuff are great

Oakwood Surgery
By:Oakwood S
Date:Sep 18 2019
Rating:Star Rating
Review Source

I was pleasantly surprised this morning as I phoned the surgery to try to get an appointment. Instead of the endless attempts to be connected and finally being told no appointments available, I was put into a queue and told I was number four. Expecting several minutes wait, I was answered in about one minute and was given an appointment for the afternoon. After years of a very poor appointments system this was a wonderfull surprise and I hope this system is here to stay.Well done to the management. Happy Woodhouse patient
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Reply from Oakwood Surgery
Wed, 18 Sep 2019 14:47:16 +0100

We are delighted that you have been pleasantly surprised today and that you have taken the trouble to share your happy experience with us. Thank you for your positive and kind comments, it is much appreciated.

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Oakwood Surgery

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