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NameChirk Surgery
AddressCastle Health Centre
 Colliery Road
LL14 5DH
Phone01691 772434



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Chirk Surgery is a GP Practice in Wrexham and provides a list of services listed below if available. This GP practice has 4 reviews with a rating of 4 out of 5.

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Patient Reviews

Chirk Surgery
Date:May 30 2022
Rating:Star Rating
Review Source

Still carnt get a appointment with a doctor it’s still GP who phones you then they ask you come to surgery told we’re still on the playing by the covid rules when there as a big change and surgery not keeping up with progress.Even before covid it was hard to get a appointment forcing patient to AE at hospital because of barrier’s set up impossible to see a doctor things need to improve a lot at the surgery.Told go online book a appointment end of June when have several medical problems you carnt wait that length of time .

Chirk Surgery
Date:Oct 8 2021
Rating:Star Rating
Review Source

Thankyou so much to Dr. Prigg for the kind way he looked out for me when I had covid. Sending me a monitor and calling me each day to check on me. I really appreciate the way you looked out for me during quite a difficult time. Many thanks.

Chirk Surgery
By:Rose D
Date:Aug 16 2022
Rating:Star Rating
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I have heard grumblings on the village page about the surgery. When I needed an appointment to discuss my blood results I was amazed to get one in the morning 2 days later. Unfortunately, my phone signal is bad & I missed the call. I contacted the surgery to be told that the next appointment was 7th September. I wasn't happy. The receptionist told me to ring at 2:30 & try an emergency appointment, to be told that the doctor had said it was routine & I couldn't have an emergency one. I was devastated as I was very concerned about the results. Laura told me she would phone me back & sure enough, at 18:25 ( who else works this late?) she called to say another doctor had agreed I could go on her list. What a star Laura is! I have just had an informative appointment with special Dr Thompson, who despite being poorly, gave me all the time I needed & has sorted me out. I really appreciated the time she gave to reassure me. Before mouthing off about the staff at the surgery, one must remember that these are humans who also get sick. When the receptionist tells you they're short of doctors it's a real problem. Doctors get sick as well you know.

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Chirk Surgery

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