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NameKelling Pharmacy
AddressHolt Medical Practice
Old Cromer Rd,Kelling Hpl
NR25 6QA
Phone01263 888390



RatingBestCareCompare star rating 4 Reviews
E PrescriptionsAvailable
Status :Open
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 Pharmacy Information
Kelling Pharmacy is a pharmacy near Holt and provides a list of services listed below if available. The pharmacy has 4 reviews with a rating of 1 stars out of 5.
  Opening Times    Open
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Pharmacy Services
  • (NHS): Chlamydia screening and treatment
  • (NHS): Domiciliary support service
  • (NHS): Emergency contraception
  • (NHS): Inhaler technique service
  • (NHS): Medication review service
  • (NHS): Post-discharge support
  • (NHS): Stop smoking service
  • (NHS): Stop smoking voucher service
  • (NHS): Vaccination service
  • (Non-NHS): Blood pressure monitoring
  • (Non-NHS): Emergency contraception
  • (Non-NHS): Inhaler technique service
  • (Non-NHS): Seasonal flu vaccination service
  • (Non-NHS): Stop smoking service
  • Appliance dispensing
  • Appointment booking available
  • Appointment booking not required
  • Medicines use review (MUR) service
  • New medicine service
  • Other health professionals onsite
  • Prescription delivery service
  • Private consultation room
  • Public Health
  • Seasonal flu vaccination service
   Patient Ratings







Patient Reviews

Kelling Pharmacy
Date:May 8 2015
Rating:Star Rating
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There seems to be a lot of staff but i was still left standing there whilst they all seemed to be having a chat. Staff even walked past and ignored me. I waited a good 10 minutes before i was acknowleged. I might add there was only myself and another person in the place. And she told me she had been back twice already and her prescription still wasnt done. I find 72 hours a ling time too. Never had to wait that long before. I order my prescription online and still have to wait when i get there.

Original Comment Report...

Reply from Kelling Pharmacy
Thu, 14 May 2015 09:00:14 +0100

These comments are very disappointing. I will try to answer them with the limited information given without dodging the issues which are all very important. 1. Being ignored by the staff, for any amount of time when they are not engaged with any other patients or customers is unacceptable. We have had training on customer service during the last year but in light of this complaint all staff have been spoken to by myself and we will be revisiting the training materials. 2. Returning for medication more than once. This happens more often than we would like but without more information regarding this ladies circumstances I cannot explain the reasons for her. The date of your visit was the beginning of May when we had a Bank Holiday so it may have been due to that but it is pure speculation. We do offer to telephone any patient who needs to return when their medication is ready for collection if that would be helpful. 3. 72 hours for repeat medication. This is not completely in the hands of the Pharmacy as repeat prescriptions are raised in the surgery next door at which point the message is sent to the patient advising when it will be ready for collection. It is then signed by a GP before being sent to the pharmacy for dispensing. Any delay on the prescription reaching the pharmacy will have an impact on the time that it is ready for collection. These answers are brief and general. I will repeat my offer to previous reviewers. If you would like to make yourself known to me, Gill Mott, Superintendent Pharmacist or my Pharmacy Operations Manager, Melanie Moore. We would be happy to answer your complaints in more detail and use the information to help prevent the same issues from happening again.

Kelling Pharmacy
Date:Mar 19 2015
Rating:Star Rating
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Where do I start? This pharmacy let's the doctors surgery down, myself and partner both have repeat prescriptions and you now have to wait 72 hours once your order has been placed, that's a whole 72 hours to get it right! But no they don't, you turn up to collect after they have emailed telling you when it will be ready, and it's not! Last week a rude assistant said can you come back, it's an 8 mile round trip for me so no, so then you are left waiting, no one apologised to me. I find all the staff in the pharmacy unhelpful and some just plain rude and as I was in the pharmacy again today collecting my partners prescription that rudeness still applies.

Original Comment Report...

Reply from Kelling Pharmacy
Mon, 13 Apr 2015 09:16:47 +0100

As Superintendent Pharmacist at Kelling Pharmacy I am very sorry to see the comments left above. We have been working hard over the last year to improve all aspects of customer service in the pharmacy and our latest patient survey showed great improvement in all areas, but obviously not for this patient. I would invite this patient to make themselves known to myself or my Pharmacy operations manager so that we can answer any questions and discuss the specific problems they have had in the pharmacy, as the comments 'rude and unhelpful' need addressing at the earliest. However, in the absence of a one to one conversation it is very difficult to address these issues proactively, as I would like.

Kelling Pharmacy
Date:May 27 2015
Rating:Star Rating
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Kelling Pharmacy, Holt Medical Practice,Old Cromer Rd,Kelling Hpl,Holt,NR25 6QA

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