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NameWillows Pharmacy
Address15 Frazers Yard
NR11 6FB
Phone01263 735025

Fax01263 456007



RatingBestCareCompare star rating 14 Reviews
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 Pharmacy Information
Willows Pharmacy is a pharmacy near Aylsham and provides a list of services listed below if available. The pharmacy has 14 reviews with a rating of 4.2 stars out of 5.
  Opening Times    
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Pharmacy Services
  • (NHS): Condom supply
  • (NHS): Emergency contraception
  • (NHS): Healthy start vitamins
  • (NHS): Medication review service
  • (NHS): Needle and syringe exchange
  • (NHS): NHS Health Check
  • (NHS): Stop smoking service
  • (NHS): Supervised consumption of medicines
  • (Non-NHS): Seasonal flu vaccination service
  • Appointment booking not required
  • Medicines use review (MUR) service
  • New medicine service
  • Prescription collection from local GPs
  • Prescription delivery service
  • Private consultation room
  • Seasonal flu vaccination service
   Patient Ratings







Patient Reviews

Willows Pharmacy
Date:Jan 21 2022
Rating:Star Rating
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The owner of this pharmacy is rude, unhelpful and dismissive. I left this pharmacy in tears today, I was so shocked as a woman to spoken to so intimidatingly by a man due to an error that they had made that has left my son with no formula, he is 9 months old and allergic to cows milk and we can only get his formula on prescription pre order. Do not use the pharmacy!

Willows Pharmacy
Date:Feb 13 2021
Rating:Star Rating
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My son went to pick my meds up for me as I am shielding so he said he would go. I used my last dose this morning so I definitely needed them as he couldn't get out to get them the last few days as was snowed in. Unfortunately on the way somone was held up in the snow and ice causing him to arrive at the pharmacy at 13.06pm. The closing time on a Saturday is 13.00. I understand that this is the closing time but as my son arrived there aas a staff member still there. My son asked if he could take my meds as I needed them, there was no money needing ti change hands he just had to pass him a carrier bag with the months meds that are just signed for. It would have taken all of 1-2 minutes. The guy refused to help and spent several minutes talking to my son about that he couldn't do it and they shut at 13.00, more time than it would have taken to find my bag of meds and pass it to them. My son has collected it several times before, so that is not an issue. Although granted they close at 13.00, we don't make a habit of arriving late to collect and In thIs current climate of a serious pandemic, the snow situation and people shielding you would think the guy would have asked a few questions about the patient...ie does she have any left at all, what condition is it for etc, instead of going on about closing at 13.00. I guess there is no going the extra mile,at the pharmacy like I do and thousands of other's do everytime we are at work. I often work 15 mins over our finish time. Personally I would have had to help a person or it would be on my conscience. My son told him my mum needs her meds but he did not take no notice, just left refusing to help. I now have 2 days with no meds for chronic conditions/disabilities. I just hope we don't have more snow and we are snowed in again so it can't be collected on Monday. I would like to say well done to the man who wouldn't help a person with disabilities. Great customer service...NOT.

Willows Pharmacy
Date:Sep 27 2019
Rating:Star Rating
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My husband and I use the pharmacy to order GoPo, capsules of Rosehip, which I find extremely helpful for my joints and we find it useful to buy various off the shelf items while we are there. I have always found them extremely helpful and if unable to find GoPo at their usual wholesalers they always take the trouble to find another source. In that way they are able to get it as soon as possible (although I always order before I am running short). When unable to visit the Pharmacy I find that they are equally helpful if I telephone them.

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Willows Pharmacy, 15 Frazers Yard,Aylsham,NR11 6FB

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