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NameNuffield Health Glasgow Hospital
Address25 Beaconsfield Road,G12 0PJ
Phone0141 5302191     Call Nuffield Health Glasgow Hospital



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Procedure Information

Why might I need a hip replacement?
Over time, the surfaces on the hip joint can start to wear. This can be caused by osteoarthritis or a previous injury to the hip. Osteoarthritis is painful as joints become stiff and inflamed when the smooth lining between the joints gets damaged or wears away. Without the protection of this lining, the rough surfaces of your bones rub together as you move, causing the pain that is all too common to sufferers. Simple, everyday things like going for a walk or even getting dressed become difficult. There’s no cure for osteoarthritis and it can get worse with time. However, joints can be replaced successfully, improving mobility and reducing pain.

What happens during hip replacement?
A variety of anaesthetic techniques can be used. Prior to your operation the anaesthetist will discuss these options with you
Your surgeon’s choice of prosthesis will be based on several factors such as your age, your level of activity and your current condition. If you have concerns be sure and ask your surgeon about his prosthesis choice and the reasons behind it
Both cemented and uncemented replacements are used at Nuffield Health Hospitals
Your surgical wound will be closed with stitches, staples or steri-strips.

Treatment Options

Provider Details

Welcome to Nuffield Health Glasgow Hospital, where we take great pride in providing our valued patients with a personalised service and the highest standards of clinical excellence. Whatever your medical condition, our aim is to ensure you receive the highest quality of patient care and first class private treatment. We have a special focus in the areas of orthopaedics, spinal surgery, ophthalmology, weight loss surgery and cosmetic treatment. You will find we offer everything you need at our hospital, from comfortable surroundings and state-of-the-art equipment, to highly experienced staff and outstanding medical care.

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