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Written on:2020-09-09
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  • Boils

  • A boil is a hard and painful lump that fills with pus. Most boils go away on their own. See a GP if you keep getting them.




    There are things you can do to treat boils yourself and stop them coming back.


    • soak a flannel in warm water and hold it against the boil for 10 minutes 4 times a day

    • clean the area around the boil with antibacterial soap if pus comes out

    • cover the area with a dressing or gauze until it heals

    • bathe or shower every day and wash your hands regularly

    • take paracetamol or ibuprofen to ease the pain

    • wash your towels and bedding at least once a week at a high temperature

    • try to lose weight if you are very overweight and have boils between folds of your skin


    • do not pick, squeeze or pierce a boil

    • do not share your towel with other people

    • do not go to a swimming pool or gym until the boil has gone –? you could pass the infection on to others

    See a GP if:

    • you have a boil on your face

    • you have a boil and a long-term condition such as diabetes

    • the skin around your boil feels hot and painful

    • youve had a boil for 2 weeks and the things youve tried are not helping

    • you keep getting boils

    • you have a group of boils (carbuncle)

    • you have a boil and you feel hot and shivery

    Treatment for boils

    A GP can check if you need treatment.

    You may need:

    • a small procedure to drain the boil to get rid of the pus

    • antibiotics

    Causes of boils

    You may be more likely to get boils if you have a long-term condition such as diabetes or HIV.

    You may also be more likely to get boils if:

    • you have close contact with someone else who has boils

    • you cut your skin while shaving

    Carbuncles are less common and mostly affect middle-aged men.



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