Four Rivers Nursing Home

  • Four Rivers Nursing Home
    Bromfield Road, Ludlow, SY8 1DW
    Rooms : Unknown
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  • Care Home Information

    Four Rivers is a care home that provides nursing and personal care to a maximum of 40 older people. The home is located in Ludlow in Shropshire.

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  • Care Home Services

    Caring for adults over 65 yrs: Yes, offers Caring for adults over 65 yrs
    Dementia: Yes, offers care for Dementia
    Diagnostic and screening procedures: Yes, offers Diagnostic and screening procedures
    Personal and intimate care: Yes, offers care for Personal care
    Treatment of disease, disorder or injury: Yes, offers Treatment of disease, disorder or injury
    Care Home Type:with nursing

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  • Patient Ratings






  •  Patient Reviews

    Four Rivers Nursing Home
    Review SourceBy:Tessa Frank rating
    Nov 18 2017

    My husband was cared for in the dementia ward of this Care Home. He had fairly advanced Alzheimer's and was admitted in November 2015. He was very lovingly cared for and seemed quite contented with life there. The nurses and carers were wonderful though I wondered why they sometimes seemed a bit surprised at the things he did. After all, the erratic behaviour of people with Alzheimer's is well known and to be expected! He had been the gentlest and most courteous of men and some of the staff were kind enough to reassure me that they could still see traces of that though he could be aggressive when the mood took him. The manager was wonderful and a great support to me in many ways. I was surprised to see him go downhill so suddenly after about 8 months but the care he was given at the end was constant with a great emphasis on reducing his pain. The care did not stop at him but flowed over onto me. I am eternally grateful. I did not realise until today, when I looked at the website to tell a friend about the home, that there is this facility to review it. That's why the review is so late!
    Original Comment Report...

    Four Rivers Nursing Home
    Review SourceBy:Karen Lewis rating
    Jan 12 2017

    My father in law was living here for two years and the care was without doubt exceptional. As a Health Care Professional, my husband and I have looked at several Nursing Homes in the area and this home shone out like a beacon.. It is clean, smells nice, always a good indication. the staff are kind, well trained and always go the extra mile. My father in law had high care needs and was always beautifully turned out, clean shaved and most of all happy. Whilst at Four rivers he actually improved and we were able to have conversations with him. He had lost interest in everything while in hospital but he was content there and we as a family were always welcome.
    Original Comment Report...

    Four Rivers Nursing Home
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous rating
    Aug 8 2016

    Both of my parents lived out their last few years in this home. The quality of the buildings and the facilities is excellent. It is always clean and tidy. I found the best bit to be the staff who are very kind, thoughtful and professional. In all I have known many of the staff for 9 years as my mother was there first and then my father who died last week. At any time in those 9 years I would have written the same as now. They are consistently excellent carers. This includes the management and even the maintenance staff, as they give people a respectful greeting when you meet them working away. There are some challenging people in some of the wards and yet the patience shown is far beyond what I could muster. Amazing.
    Original Comment Report...

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  • Frequently Asked Questions about Care Homes in Ludlow.

    Four Rivers Nursing Home is approximately 0 mile(s) away from Ludlow. More information
    Yes, Dementia Care is avaiable at Four Rivers Nursing Home. To see the full list of care option available, click More Information.
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A quick guide to finding, choosing and paying for a care home

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