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  • Dentist Information
  • Mrs J Warham is a dental surgery near Warks and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 1 reviews with a rating of 5.0 stars out of 5.
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  •  Patient Reviews

    Mrs J Warham
    Review SourceBy:Jo Surman
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Nov 24 2017

    Finding the team at Connaught House dental surgery has been one of the best discoveries of my life - no exaggeration! It's totally changed the experience of visiting a dentist for me and turned it round from being a stressful and dreaded experience to being one of feeling a secure and genuinely cared for. I've had a lot of trouble with my teeth, having bruxism and nighttime grinding so have put particular stress on three of my main molars. Everything possible has been done to save these teeth and with the greatest care. I was informed throughout of everything that was happening to the teeth and gums and have been given all the best advice and choices about what could be done for them. The standard of dentistry is of the highest and with all the watchful care over time that they have given my troubled teeth all the tricky problems have been resolved and I have happy teeth again! I think if I had been to any of my previous dentists the care would not have been so great and the experience would have been far more distressing. Its a small, very friendly dental surgery in a small, clean, modern building. I've come to think of all the staff as friends because they've given above and beyond the normal service and always catered for my anxieties and shown me genuine empathy and sensitive care. My whole family comes to Connaught House and I can truly say that my children have no fears or anxieties about going - my daughter actually looks forward to it! All three of the staff are wonderful and there's often laughter resonating in the rooms, you can't get better than that at a dental surgery!
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Mrs J Warham, Connaught House, 4 Morrell Street, Leamington Spa, Wark

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