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  • Dentist Information
  • mydentist is a dental surgery near Bridport and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 11 reviews with a rating of 3.9 stars out of 5.
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  • Dentist Price List (Prices are guide prices only and are subject change)
    Dental ProcedureOptionsFrom
    ClearCorrect (Search)£1990
    Bridges (Search)£650
    Crown (Search)£645
    Crown - Composite/Arcrylic (Search)£645
    Dental Implant
    Implant (Search)£2000
    Dentures - Full (Search)£1600
    Emergency Appointment
    Emergency appointment fee (Search)£99
    Examination, Consultation, Check Up (Child)
    Child exam (3 - 17yrs) (Search)£40
    Examination, Consultation, Check Up
    Exam (Search)£80
    Facial aesthetics
    Facial Aesthetics (Search)£225
    Fillings - Silver Amalgam
    Fillings - Silver Amalgam (Search)£156
    Fillings - White
    White/Composite Filling (Search)£165
    Root Canal Treatment
    Root Canal Treatment (Incisor/Canine) (Search)£480
    Root Canal Treatment (Pre-molar) (Search)£565
    Root Canal Treatment (Molar) (Search)£650
    Routine Hygiene Visit
    Hygiene Appointment 20 minutes (Search)£58
    Hygiene Appointment 30 minutes (Search)£88
    Tooth Extraction
    Extraction - Simple (Search)£165
    Extraction - Complex (Search)£290
    Extraction - Special Difficulty (Search)£336
    Tooth Whitening
    Zoom Take Home Whitening (Search)£299
    Enlighten teeth whitening (Search)£597
    X-rays - Small (Search)£26
    X-rays - Large (Search)£47
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  • Patient Ratings






  •  Patient Reviews

    Review SourceBy:Carole
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Nov 14 2023

    I arrived in Bridgeport needing some urgent treatment.after contacting a number of local dentists I was told I needed to be registered with that practice.when I contacted this practice I had a very different answer.I was booked in for the next morning .the receptionist was kind and helpful . I found the whole experience very caring and helpful and would highly recommend to anyone

    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Nov 17 2022

    The service is excellent,im a very nervous patient,always have been . But here the dentist is wonderful,always makes me feel at ease, The receptionist are lovely, Couldn’t have wished for a nicer practice, I’m having to move and change my dentist,I’m hoping the next one is as nice as these ,??????????

    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Sep 21 2019

    Having developed an abscess in the root of one my back molars and being in considerable pain, the dental surgery quickly booked me into an emergency appointment with my dentist, who treated the abscess and subsequently carried out a root canal procedure. Having removed the old filling, a big hole remained, but rather than advising to go straight for having a crown, my dentist felt that there was sufficient tooth remaining to put in a new filling. My dentist is always very happy and welcoming, polite and respectful, and he is incredibly gentle and very professional. He is very good at offering his advice on the next course of treatment, but leaves it to me to make the decision. I have every trust in his judgement. The receptionists are always very efficient and are very good at advising on the cost of treatments, especially for ongoing treatments where the price already paid is deducted from any further treatment.
    Original Comment Report...

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mydentist, St. Swithuns House, North Allington, Bridport, DT6 5DU

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