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  • Dentist Information
  • Allington Dental Clinic is a dental surgery near Bridport and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 36 reviews with a rating of 4.3 stars out of 5.
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  •  Patient Reviews

    Allington Dental Clinic
    Review SourceBy:e.g. Jan Sorrell
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Apr 4 2019

    The first treatment I needed was to extract a tooth that was part of a bridge as the tooth had fractured and had a huge cyst on it. He also was going to try to save the crown that was part of the bridge. This was done four weeks ago by my dentist , who had never treated me before so I was feeling very anxious and scared of the procedure. The dentist explained what he needed to do fully which helped to calm me. I was absolutely amazed by the whole treatment as the dentist was very good at keeping me calm explaining each stage of the treatment as he carried it out. When he said it was all done I was shocked at how quickly the treatment was done, and my crown was saved. Thank you so much for sorting this out. The second treatment was done today on a front crown that needed Root Canal Treatment. I was petrified, having had this treatment done in the past I have found it to be a very painful experience, however today this treatment was easy! The dentist explained everything to me as he carried it out, I felt no pain whatsoever and my crown is saved. Even more surprising I had it all done for the first time in my life without any anaesthetic. My dentist in amazing. Thank you so very much.
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    Allington Dental Clinic
    Review SourceBy:Anitta
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Mar 21 2019

    recently I’ve had to sadly accept that my top teeth need to be removed and dentures fitted. I am not the greatest patient and get very tense and anxious. My dentist has discussed, explained every step of the treatments required, listened to my thoughts and concerns and has made this as easy as possible. During the first extractions he has been so calm, friendly and professional and I have to say it was nowhere as bad as my imagination of it. I can’t thank him enough, this is so very overdue but I now feel prepared for the next two appointments and can’t wait to eventually be pain free and smiling again.
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    Allington Dental Clinic
    Review SourceBy:Anitta
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Apr 30 2019

    oh The relief of getting my stitches out today. This has certainly been a journey. I am not a great patient at anytime but I had come to the end with my top teeth and gum issues. Not an easy decision to make but the professional and sympathetic approach by the dentist and his team helped me hugely. Over the last two months I’ve had all teeth removed, infections treated, stitches and a great set of dentures made. Just been this morning, set fit has been adjusted, stitches out. AND I have my smile back ! THANK YOU
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Allington Dental Clinic, ..., 5 West Allington, Bridport, DT6 5BJ

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