Dr Jl Henderson & Partners

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    26 Reviews
    Dr Jl Henderson & Partners
     29 Bassett Road,
     Leighton Buzzard,
     Bedfordshire, LU7 1AR
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    Web :https://www.bassettroadsur..

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  • Provider Information
  • Dr Jl Henderson & Partners is a GP Practice in Leighton Buzzard and provides a list of services listed below if available. This GP practice has 26 reviews with a rating of 3 out of 5 and a CQC rating of Good.

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  • Provider Services
  • Learning disability health check
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  •  Provider Performance
    The table below is a standard list of gp practice metrics that are complied annually for practices in England. You can use this list to see how Dr Jl Henderson & Partners is doing in areas that may be important to you.
    Health MetricDetailIndicator
    Cervical Screening Ages 25 to 492,651 individuals have been screened out of a possible 3,577 eligible people.

    A total of 74.1% of possible patients have been screened which is below the 80% requirement. The GP practice needs to sceen another 211 people to hit the required 80% screening target.
    Cervical Screening Ages 50 to 641,266 individuals have been screened out of a possible 1,664 eligible people.

    A total of 76.1% of possible patients have been screened which is below the 80% requirement. The GP practice needs to sceen another 66 people to hit the required 80% screening target.
    Overall number of GP appointments8,062 Number of appointments in Aug 2023 from a practice list size of 19,935 patients8,062
    Face to face appointments6,927 Face to Face appointments in Aug 2023 which is 85.9% of the total number of appointments.6,927
    Home Visits0 Home Visits in Aug 2023 which is 0% of the total number of appointments.0
    Telephone appointments27 Telephone appointments in Aug 2023 which is 0.3% of the total number of appointments.27
    Unknown appointments140 Unknown appointments in Aug 2023 which is 1.7% of the total number of appointments.140
    Video call appointments968 Video call appointments in Aug 2023 which is 12% of the total number of appointments.968

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  • Patient Ratings






  •  Patient Reviews

    Dr Jl Henderson & Partners
    Review SourceBy:Ry
    Rating:..Star Rating
    May 13 2024

    Dr Longstaff - my Dr - is like night and day. At the beginning of being doctor and patient he was sweet, polite, listening well and all that jazz and yet halfway through he changed, he fully became that side of him which is an ark (say it quickly), inventing seven appointments which I didn't attend because I didn't know anything about them just so he could get a DNA did not arrive on my name, continuously got other doctors to call when they knew they shouldn't and before 2 pm which has been known for seven years not to call me before 2 pm due to sleep and highest strongest dose medication knowing that the outcome is normally bad because the mind has completely gone, eventhough it didn't work as he wanted. In the penultimate telephone call he said I wanted another doctor Who was female and I've never had a female doctor it was just one massive big lie when his staff were listening. Also he continued to stop my repeat prescription and everybody for every chemist or anything related that he suggested was somebody from another country. There is far worse and eventually I just had to leave him .

    Dr Jl Henderson & Partners
    Review SourceBy:Karen.DrGenourous@dr.com
    Rating:..Star Rating
    May 23 2023

    I was registered with the Dr Longstaff as a permanent patient. The doctor started off really nicely, polite, friendly, easily approachable, and even personal - actually incredibly personal. I'm a little changed 22 months in of the 25 months that I was with him, he tried to Book me an appointment at a clinic, being agoraphobic and the clinic being far away I declared NO NO NO NO NO I can't go, but he continued the conversation about this Clinic, which I allowed to later found out he would have gained commission if I had gone. So he put money for him over his patient with AGORAPHOBIA. The telephone from the clinic came, I don't accept calls till 2 pm because I sleep late and I'm full of opioid TRAMADOL and ibuprofen and SLEEPING TABLETS so being woken in that state and there's absolutely no control or no understanding but I am from the same for everybody else that takes both tablets and that happens. The call came in at 11:27, The wretched woman on the other end of the phone accuse me of missing the last appointment, but they have never been a previous appointment, she also then told me that I might have a smear, as an agoraphobic Dr Longstaff knew that the plan has to stay as it originally was, which is just an appointment for a scan, so that was not possible, she then told me that the appointment was not at the hospital but still at the clinic, and that's when I realised how devious and callous nasty and evil Dr Longstaff was by maintaining that it stays at the clinic well I cannot go to, just so he got his commission. The APPT woman was screaming down the phone of all these accusations and things that I should've done and had not done any of them. The consequence of this was that even though this care worker had abused me and accuse me of things that I hadn't done and worse, Dr Longstaff said I was rude to the care worker when it was a complete set up that he had done getting the clinic to telephone me when I already couldn't go there, and as he didn't get me to respond as he thought I would, he set up another exact procedure on fifth February, less than a week later, for the clinic to follow me without me knowing anything about it I'm going through it all again. This doctor has made up stories of me being abusive and get two years later still cannot give me the times and all the dates, the reason he can't get the times in the day it is because it's all BS. Dr Longstaff is and I have been a doctor of psychology who has confirmed that, and he needs to go out get that out of his professional duties, he should be given 5 weeks to 5 months off to have deep Psychological intervention and if he passes and seems like he would behave himself from then on, be let back into the NHS psychological intervention and if he passes and seems like he would behave himself from then on, be back let back into the NHS, but not before. I have seen my medical records and there are so many lies on there that is disgraceful. NOT EDITED.

    Dr Jl Henderson & Partners
    Review SourceBy:Baroness V
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Dec 4 2021

    After a pretty good year with Dr Christopher Longstaff, the second year was catastrophic. And no particular order, in January 2021 I was due an appointment for a consultation in the hospital. I specified for exceptionally valid reasons that call must be after noon and to make an appointment only, Dr Longstaff said he conveyed this to the appointment booking centre, the call came at 11:27AM and the femail caller was very vile -- primarily accusing me for not attending a previous appointment, which I knew nothing about, in my mind it didn't exist. After 7 months of investigation I found that Dr Longstaff did not give the correct information about my call in the first place, apart from to call me instead of posting an appointment, and he'd previously accidentally made an appointment in my name rather than another person's name and hence the accusation of a previous appointment by the appointment booker, albeit her violent temper had a lot to be desired. Dr Longstaff, probably feeling guilty of his own mistakes, decided to take it out on me and become aggressive to me himself, rather than point out what was upsetting him/what he was upset about it, because I had no blame for this. Dr Longstaff stated he retired, when he hadn't but along the way and being part of the BLMK CCG governing body managed to get me allocated to a London Surgery 50 miles away, and BTW I'm bedbound and agoraphobic (and no, unbelievably, I'm not the 'girl in the striped pyjamas'). I had a 15 minute call with Dr Longstaff and within that call I could not hear a lot of his words, only his tone, which to my novice medical brain possibly equals something wrong with my auditory system - even virgin on some type of PTSD - yet I could be completely out yet he refused to diagnose what was wrong with me that time, and knowing and the symptoms would persist for several months if not longer. It's obvious in Dr Longstaff's enormous pursuit to look good, he thinks that ignoring the faults he's made is the way to do it, whereas the correct way to look good is to deal with the mess one has made, to corrected it ASAP and learn from it. Don't lose good relationships. I stated I had a constant bad service and incompetence from a certain ethnic group, so he wrote on my medical records that I am a ra¥cist, this after telling him a true fact with proof. Plus it's strongly assumed that he's put a tracking device in my house as I've said certain specific things, and within a few weeks he's quoted the exact same words in a NHS meeting or in a local newspaper. I know we are uniquely similar, but those above are not comparable to coincidences. I know he had a bit of a rough childhood, but there is a certain age where you have to take responsibility, and that's what he needs to do now.

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    Dr Jl Henderson & Partners, 29 Bassett Road, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 1AR

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