Stokewood Surgery

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  • Provider Information
  • Stokewood Surgery is a GP Practice in Eastleigh and provides a list of services listed below if available. This GP practice has 50 reviews with a rating of 3.2 out of 5 and a CQC rating of Good.

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  • Provider Services
  • Baby clinic with health visitor
  • Learning disability health check
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  •  Provider Performance
    The table below is a standard list of gp practice metrics that are complied annually for practices in England. You can use this list to see how Stokewood Surgery is doing in areas that may be important to you.
    Health MetricDetailIndicator
    Cervical Screening Ages 25 to 492,249 individuals have been screened out of a possible 3,035 eligible people.

    A total of 74.1% of possible patients have been screened which is below the 80% requirement. The GP practice needs to sceen another 179 people to hit the required 80% screening target.
    Cervical Screening Ages 50 to 641,440 individuals have been screened out of a possible 1,866 eligible people.

    A total of 77.2% of possible patients have been screened which is below the 80% requirement. The GP practice needs to sceen another 53 people to hit the required 80% screening target.
    Overall number of GP appointments8,842 Number of appointments in Aug 2023 from a practice list size of 19,144 patients8,842
    Face to face appointments8,596 Face to Face appointments in Aug 2023 which is 97.2% of the total number of appointments.8,596
    Home Visits0 Home Visits in Aug 2023 which is 0% of the total number of appointments.0
    Telephone appointments246 Telephone appointments in Aug 2023 which is 2.8% of the total number of appointments.246
    Unknown appointments0 Unknown appointments in Aug 2023 which is 0% of the total number of appointments.0
    Video call appointments0 Video call appointments in Aug 2023 which is 0% of the total number of appointments.0

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  • Patient Ratings






  •  Patient Reviews

    Stokewood Surgery
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Sep 8 2022

    I have no Complaint about the Doctors once I’m lucky enough to get to see them. However trying to actually arrange an appointment when I popped into Stokewood was a joke. I was told by the receptionist that she could not make an appointment for me even though I had been told by my doctor to make one to see her again. She said I had to go online to make one. I told her I do not have access to a computer (I have asked someone else to put this review on for me). I am an elderly man and they need to realise that not everyone is computer savvie! I’m really not sure what’s going on with Stokewood as I know other surgeries are not run so incompetently.

    Stokewood Surgery
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Aug 21 2022

    My Daughter has had nothing but trouble with this surgery. She has got many health issues and some serious. Like I am sure many others have here. It would be at least some comfort if you could actually get to see a Doctor instead of being told we haven’t got any appointments right now or come back if you think you’re dying?! We all have to work nothing has changed for us, why is it the case Doctors seem to have a choice when they see you or when they don’t?

    Stokewood Surgery
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Feb 11 2022

    Having wanted to speak with a Doctor to discuss a concerning health change, I was directed through their website to fill out the e-consult form. The website does its best to keep you away from the Surgery and preferably use the 111 service rather than serve their own patients. It’s now been 11 days since i filled in the e-consult form and I am still waiting to hear from the Surgery. The website states you will hear from a Doctor or a Receptionist within 48 hours!!!! Really??? They certainly received the form as I had a text of acknowledgement. My partner and our sons are patients with a local Surgery in Eastleigh. All are able to get face to face appointments the next day, sometimes even the same day. Why should StokeWood be any different? If you can predict the future and foresee your problems before you’re ill, then JokeWood (sorry StokeWood) are the Surgery for you. Unbelievably shocking service. It’s much quicker to attempt to diagnose yourself using Google. At least you might identify a serious issue before this Surgery gets round to it.

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