St Lukes Surgery

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  • Provider Information
  • St Lukes Surgery is a GP Practice in Southampton and provides a list of services listed below if available. This GP practice has 67 reviews with a rating of 2.4 out of 5.

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  • Provider Services
  • Asthma Clinic
  • Child Immunisations
  • Learning disability health check
  • Minor surgery (removal of moles,skin lesions)
  • Smoking cessation clinic
  • Travel health with yellow fever
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  •  Patient Reviews

    St Lukes Surgery
    Review SourceBy:Sarah P
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Mar 1 2023

    I submitted an e-consult on sat 25/02 and should have had a call from triage by 6.30pm on Mon 27/ we are Wed 01/02 and no contact at all. I have used the form suggested to send a reminder twice now and tried to call to be told they are busy just wait for someone to call you. I am quite a patient person but this is not a service and the fact that this is just to triage my request for an appointment is crazy. I get the pressures in the service but this is not acceptable when dealing with people's health!!

    St Lukes Surgery
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Oct 6 2019

    On two recent occasions I have called to try to make an appointment. On both times I waited over 30 minutes and was near the top of the queue only to be cut off. On the second occasion, I drove to the surgery and requested to make an appointment to be told there were none left and I would need to try again the following day. I work full time in Winchester so this is very difficult. The service is unsatisfactory.
    Original Comment Report...

    St Lukes Surgery
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Aug 9 2019

    Following a hospital consultation, I received a text from the surgery asking me to book a 'review' appointment. I didn't realise this was actually a challenge! I called (from work) and listened to the over-long automated message before being put through - to a queue. I joined at #5 so I thought I'd wait. After 10 minutes, I spoke to someone who informed me that appointments were only 'given out' after 2pm, so I would have to call back. "But you asked ME to make the appointment". Doesn't matter - call back after 2pm. So I 2:30pm. I got the same lengthy message and this time I joined the queue at #18. After 20 minutes wait, I finally got through. "Sorry, all the appointments are gone for today. Call back on Monday". I explained (again) that it wasn't urgent, I wasn't after an appointment for today (as if!) so any time in the next few weeks would do. "Doesn't matter, you have to call after 2pm". I pointed out that the same thing would probably happen and I'd NEVER get an appointment. "Well, you could always come into the surgery to make the appointment...after 2pm". Well I can't, because I live in Hedge End but work near that's an hours round-trip to make on the off-chance that I might get to make an appointment. UNACCEPTABLE. At this point, I remembered signing up for an online app at the surgery. So I dug out my ID (numbers, of course), password and logged in. Woo-hoo! There's an option to make an appointment! Unfortunately, it would only let me make an appointment for a blood test and helpfully told me that "if no other options exist, all the appointments have been taken". AAAARGH!
    Original Comment Report...

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