King Street Surgery

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    13 Reviews
    King Street Surgery
     King Street,
     Staffordshire, DE14 3AG
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    EPS : Available
    Status : Open
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  • Provider Information
  • King Street Surgery is a GP Practice in Anglesey and provides a list of services listed below if available. This GP practice has 12 reviews with a rating of 1.7 out of 5.

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  •  Patient Reviews

    King Street Surgery
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Jul 12 2019

    King Street used to be a fabulous surgery. NOT ANY MORE !. After King St was taken over by Carlton St surgery the phone is never answered at either surgery. If you do get through, reception staff are unhelpful bordering on obstructive Booking an appointment is a major achievement & its likely to be several days away. Since the take over, I have thankfully only needed to see a doctor once, and my experience was good, but my wife & daughter have had ongoing conditions requiring multiple visits. . I had an issue a couple of years ago when I needed to send some UK prescription medication to my daughter in America, which she had forgotten to take with her. A doctors signature was needed to comply with postal regulations involving medication. This signature would apparently take at least two weeks to get and cost £50 (It's private work you see). My attempts at reason were futile & cost daughter several hundred dollars in obtaining medication in the US. The cause of my latest annoyance, and the reason that my family will finally be leaving this outfit, is that my daughter has an upcoming charity skydive, for which she needs a GP's signature on a form to say that she is medically fit to do it. We were expecting the £50 fee,(its private work you see) but the request was simply refused . Couldn't & wouldn't be done under any circumstances. Doctors don't do that any more. A request to speak to the Practice Manager was declined. She was busy. No skydive then. Sorry charity. So we're moving. it won't affect the practice, we won't be missed. If we are, they wont care, because they don't. But they should.
    Original Comment Report...

    King Street Surgery
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    May 10 2019

    I had an appointment with a doctor on 10.05.2019. I have always found this doctor extremely helpful and couteous compared to the rest. However, today was a completely different story. I attended the appointment and was greeted by the doctor. During, the appointment, I merely asked her a few questions in regards to my condition and symptoms and that is where she snapped at me, stating that ' what do you expect me to do ' and then going onto say ' that people expect too much from doctors '. She was extremely unprofessional and I felt that she got very personal with these remarks making me feel extremely uncomfortable. I am extremely surprised to see this doctor behave this way as she was my first choice whenever I needed an appointment. However, due to the lack of compassion and care shown today and her how she snapped at me for politely asking a few questions is unacceptable and not the service that you expect to receive from a doctor. As a result of how she made me feel, I will not be seeing this doctor again.
    Original Comment Report...

    King Street Surgery
    Review SourceBy:Iwona K
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Jun 20 2023

    GP makes myself and my friend anxious. I have been there to translate to my friend as he does not speak English. The whole appoitment time was 11minutes and 5 seconds. GP repeted several times that we can speak only about 2 health issues at the appoitment. We raised 2 health issues and disscuss about this. The last thing which we wanted to ask why the referal from GP to the hospital did not arrive? GP send a referral at the end of May but the Hospital did not receive it. GP was agruing that we alredy spoke about 2 issues and he did not want to help us to chase up referal even thought was not health issue. Moreover, GP spends more than 1,5 minutes on his computer which was stucked. It is not patients issue .. this is computer issue which stolen the patient valuable time with GP. Overall the quality, emphaty and professional of this GP is very poor. I do not recommend King Street Surgery if you seroiusly careing about own health.

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