John Amery Drive Surgery

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  • Provider Information
  • John Amery Drive Surgery is a GP Practice in Stafford and provides a list of services listed below if available. This GP practice has 5 reviews with a rating of 4.4 out of 5.

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  • Provider Services
  • Asthma Clinic
  • Child health and development
  • Child Immunisations
  • COPD clinic with spirometry
  • Learning disability health check
  • Minor surgery (removal of moles,skin lesions)
  • Phlebotomy
  • Smoking cessation clinic
  • Travel health with yellow fever
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  •  Patient Reviews

    John Amery Drive Surgery
    Review SourceBy:Sue M
    Rating:..Star Rating
    May 11 2021

    I have had excellent service from this GP practice. I phoned the surgery and they organised for a GP to phone me back. The GP phoned within the time zone I was allocated. The GP listened to my health concerns put a plan in place organised for me to have bloods the next day, I then received a text to organise a x ray at a date that suited me. I went to have my bloods done the receptionist was efficient explaining the procedures in place because of Covid as well as being friendly. The nurse who took my bloods explained what the bloods were being taken for and made me feel at ease. Keep up the good work.

    John Amery Drive Surgery
    Review SourceBy:John A
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Nov 29 2018

    I first registered at John Amery Drive in 1990, and for years on end I was happy there with the doctor who ran it back then until 2006. It was duly taken over by another doctor who I felt was OK, but certainly not as good as the old one. Over the next decade, the surgery went downhill, gradually at first, and I would say that over the last four years it has degenerated considerably. The surgery is affiliated to (I think) 2 larger, sister surgeries, and I suspect that all the energy goes into these other 2 surgeries. For eg, my oldest son enquired about smoking cessation, and was told JAD dont offer that service! Also, whilst the whole of Stafford has for 2 or so yrs offered electronic transfer of prescriptions, JAD has only just introduced this! The appointments system is dire. I left the surgery earlier in '18 because I rang one day to cancel a blood test, only to be told that there was no record of this apt! (Even though I had made the apt in person, at the surgery, and had it written on a card, so I know for certain I had booked this.) And this had happened to me before, only a few weeks previous - my youngest son has now decided to leave because the exact thing happened to him yesterday. The last time I visited the surgery it was on an urgent basis - I was suffering from acute dizziness. The 'advanced' nurse practicioner I saw seemed at a total loss as to what was wrong with me or how to treat it, and had to bring the gp in. She alike was at a total loss. I told them that I suffer from a thyroid disorder, and at no time was I questioned more about this. I was sent home with some anti dizziness meds with the instruction to come back after the wkend if there was no improvement. (My new gp quickly ascertained that my dizzy spells were caused by my thyroid meds, and a swift reduction in this remedied the situation.) I noticed another reviewer commented on how the reception staff's conversation and 'confidential' phone conversations could be heard word for word. I would back this up - the reviewer is right, and something needs to be done about this. My oldest son noticed this some time back, and as he was very depressed at the time, this made him feel very uncomfortable. I would not recommend JAD to anyone, even if they were desperate to see a gp. In fact, I think JAD's days are numbered. For one, ppl on the lookout for a gp go online these days tend to read reviews before choosing. I dont believe my family are alone in having these negative experiences with JAD. I dont see how they can compete with any other surgery in Stafford, particularly as they have the very progressive Merrey Rd Surgery just over the road, and can't get their act together to provide smoking cessation clinics, even though they did in the past. One final word. There are a couple of very good doctors here, but it is a battle to actually get an appointment to see them. I suspect this is because they only do one day at JAD, whilst most of their time is allocated elsewhere.
    Original Comment Report...

    Reply from John Amery Drive Surgery
    Fri, 30 Nov 2018 16:05:40 Z

    Dear Tiffany, Thank you for your comments. I was very sorry to hear that you are disappointed with the service you have received. The surgery is, as you suggest part of a group of surgeries. This was borne out of necessity as the Practice was not sustainable on its own. By becoming part of a group we do now have far more clinical cover and appointments available than there have ever been. Of course, we would always like to provide more but our budget is set by the NHS. The smoking cessation service you mention is no longer offered anywhere in Stafford. This service was actually sponsored and provided via Stafford Borough Council who withdrew the provision of the service. Advice is still available from the Borough Council via their website. Unfortunately, without details, I cannot check your concerns regarding appointments. Our appointment system is electronic and I have not come across this issue before but will happily investigate if you would like to contact us directly. I cannot comment on your consultation concerns for the same reason. Medicine is as you will know very complex and it is not unusual for Clinicians to seek second opinions, in fact, it is something we actively encourage if there are any doubts or concerns. John Amery Drive is a small traditional Surgery and whilst many patients enjoy this there are challenges. In large modern buildings, there is now much greater distances between seating areas and reception. As you know this is not possible at John Amery Drive. To negate this we do play music and offer everyone the option of a private conversation away from reception if they prefer. We do have signs informing patients of this on display. We do of course always strive to improve and if you would like to contact me to discuss any concerns or suggestions you have please do not hesitate to do so directly. Thank you for getting in touch and sharing your concerns with us and I am sorry you have been so disappointed. Best Regards Gareth Edwards Managing Partner

    John Amery Drive Surgery
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Nov 8 2022

    The surgery is a welcoming surgery. The receptionists are so friendly and immediately put you at ease. With a choice of doctors it is great. I’ve always been able to get an appointment even during Covid. I cannot praise the surgery enough for making the trip to the doctors a comfortable one

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