Hopton Surgery

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    6 Reviews
    Hopton Surgery
     Station Road,
     Great Yarmouth,
     Norfolk, NR31 9BE
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    Email :deb@gorlestonmc3.frees.

    EPS : Available
    Status : Closed
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  • Provider Information
  • Hopton Surgery is a GP Practice in Great Yarmouth and provides a list of services listed below if available. This GP practice has 6 reviews with a rating of 1.7 out of 5.

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  •  Patient Reviews

    Hopton Surgery
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Jun 13 2019

    I’m not one for complaining about the health service in this country. I have 2 daughters who work in the service and I know they are all under a lot of pressure but still, I had to call the surgery several times before someone answered and then when they did I couldn’t make an appointment which I know is difficult at the best of times but when you call at 8 in the morning and all appointments are already been taken, who has these appointments that we can’t get hold off? Also my husband was referred by the physiotherapist via my doctor to the orthopaedic department. Letter had been received by the doctor but was left sitting in his tray not being dealt with. When asked had this been sent yet (had been with the doctor for over 10 days) I was told yes. Hallelujah. Next question. Have my MRI results come in yet (in its 4th week) I was told no so that was 3 out of 3 with 1 positive. Then got asked very sarcastically if there would be anything else? If they had done the jobs properly I wouldn’t have had to ask about referral for my husband (not 1st time they messed up referral for him for X-ray) I wouldn’t have so many questions and yes I now understand why they have gone into special measures. Rightfully so I think. I’m done defending this surgery as too many mistakes and non actions are happening. Im still none the wiser as to who gets all these appointment when there is none available at 8 in the morning when you get told to call or come to the surgery in person. Answers on a postcard please. A very unhappy patient at Hopton surgery now know as Beaches surgery!!!
    Original Comment Report...

    Hopton Surgery
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Jun 1 2019

    Into whatsoever houses I enter, I will enter to help the sick, and I will abstain from all intentional wrong-doing and harm ... And whatsoever I shall see or hear in the course of my profession, as well as outside my profession in my intercourse with men, if it be what should not be published abroad, I will never divulge, holding such things to be holy secrets.Now if I carry out this oath, and break it not, may I gain for ever reputation among all men for my life and for my art; but if I break it and forswear myself, may the opposite befall me. The foregoing is a translation by W H S Jones of the Hippocratic Oath from the Greek, 1923 Loeb edition. Its sentiment is commonly reduced to the phrase, that does not appear in the Oath, "First, do no harm". In my opinion it should be pasted to the front door of Hopton surgery to remind a particular doctor that this Oath takes precedence over any NHS dictated box-ticking exercise that is then electronically recorded on a patient record for all eternity and for any busybody to see. Please spare me the delusional lecture about patient confidentiality.I recognise and empathise with the difficulties facing GP practices. Unmanageable patient numbers, lack of government investment in the sector and a damaging politically correct ethos among NHS managers with their time-consuming, often pointless, policies and practices. Under this duress I think many doctors have forgotten they are dealing with human beings and human relationships; often long-lasting, loving relationships. Now there is no eye contact between doctor and patient. Doctors rely upon keyboard and computer screen to identify the person sitting in front of them.. They constantly glance at their watch to see how much of the allocated 10 minutes has gone. It's production line medicine. It is not the doctors' fault. They are being asked to do the impossible. Hopton surgery is not an exception.But none of this, none of it, excuses the casual,unthinking actions of a doctor that will result in lasting damage to a loving relationship. That is my experience of Hopton surgery. That is why I am no longer registered there as a patient.
    Original Comment Report...

    Hopton Surgery
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Jun 29 2018

    Called up the GP in December as I noticed a lump on my arm. They said that they could fit me in at the end of January! After a 1 minute appointment, the GP said that an Ultra Sound would be arranged. I didn't hear anything back for over a month so had to chase. It was arranged shortly afterwards. After 2.5 months, I finally had the ultra sound. I then had to arrange another appointment with the GP for test results. I phoned up and was told that they could fit me in 3 weeks later. I went to that appointment (which lasted 1 minute) and was advised that they are referring me to a specialist clinic in Norwich. However it's been 40 days and I still haven't heard anything back. I called them again and was advised that it hasn't been arranged yet. The woman said that she would check with the hospital and then call me back. She never did. I wouldn't recommend. Nothing is handled quickly or professionally. It feels like they just want you to go away.
    Original Comment Report...

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