York Medical Group, Water Lane

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  • York Medical Group, Water Lane is a GP Practice in York and provides a list of services listed below if available. This GP practice has 15 reviews with a rating of 3.1 out of 5.

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    York Medical Group, Water Lane
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Aug 12 2019

    Since becoming part of York Medical Group, this surgery has taken a nosedive. It's absolutely atrocious and I would not recommend that anyone considers registering here. Trying to get an appointment is next to impossible - you need to know in advance when you're going to be ill. It's regularly 3-4 weeks before you can get in to see somebody. If you want a particular GP it's often longer than that or you're told to call back when they have more rotas available. Continuity of care is virtually impossible here. When you do manage to see a doctor, they're very nice, but the waiting time for an appointment is poor. The receptionists are trying to do their best I know but you speak to them and make requests and it doesn't happen. I had an issue with one of my repeat prescriptions and it took me 2 weeks and 5 phone calls to be given false promises and it still wasn't sorted out. You get told they'll look into things and call you back and they don't. They have a new telephone system too which is awful and very confusing. I'm intelligent with a healthcare background and even I had to listen to the options 3 times before I figured out what numbers I needed to press. It's just awful all round.
    Original Comment Report...

    Reply from York Medical Group, Water Lane
    Fri, 23 Aug 2019 08:27:47 +0100

    Thank you for your thoughts and due to the nature of comments section on NHS Choices means that we are not able to track and if you are satisfied with our response. We encourage you to contact one of our sites directly and please be assured that we will do our very best to address your issue. We would also encourage you to join our Patient Participation Group (details on our website) where our patients get an opportunity to raise concerns, areas of improvement and hold our management team to account. Thank you for your comments regarding York Medical Group’s new phone system. We appreciate all feedback, both positive and negative and are constantly looking at ways we can improve the system. This includes waiting times, menu options and we will shortly be launching a call back service to avoid being on hold for long periods.

    York Medical Group, Water Lane
    Review SourceBy:York M
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Jan 19 2019

    I am suffering from polymyalgia and need regular blood tests which I usually go to Asda for with a form from you. You rang me and asked me to go for a blood test at the surgery which I did. The nurse who did the blood test didn't know that I had polymyalgia and didn't know what to test for. Consequently I have just had a letter from one of the doctors to tell me that I had not been tested for inflammation, consequently I now need another blood test which I now have the form for and will go to Asda. I was also told that I would have regular phone calls from another doctor. I haven't spoken to this doctor and don't even know if it's a man or a lady. I desperately need an operation on my left shoulder for a torn tendon and can't have the operation until my prednisolone is reduced to 7.5 mg and can't reduce them without a proper blood test. I hope you can understand my frustration and can do something to help me.
    Original Comment Report...

    Reply from York Medical Group, Water Lane
    Mon, 21 Jan 2019 11:16:24 Z

    We apologise for the issues you are having. Please, could you contact the practice on voyccg.ymgpostmaster@nhs.net FAO Nurse manager with your details so that we can investigate this matter for you further. Many Thanks, York Medical Group

    York Medical Group, Water Lane
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Jan 18 2019

    I joined this surgery 18 months ago when I was extremely ill with complex health problems. At that time I had no trust in NHS doctors whatsoever. Since joining Water Lane the doctors have helped me get diagnoses and treatment, their medical care has been second to none and I have always been treated with respect and kindness. The patient care co-ordinators have also been fantastic, and when there have been no available appointments they have listened and ensured that I get any help that I needed at that time. They have also helped to ensure that urgent prescriptions get signed and that the doctors are aware of any additional support I've required. Their care and professionalism should be commended. The key drawback is a general lack of available routine appointments and this is why my review only gives 4 stars. This is a nationwide problem, but ultimately large delays in getting to see a doctor has meant that I have had to endure awful symptoms for a long time - something which is actually avoidable.
    Original Comment Report...

    Reply from York Medical Group, Water Lane
    Fri, 08 Feb 2019 11:42:25 Z

    Thank you for your comments and we will pass on your thanks to our team. While we are under significant and constant pressure, we do our very best with the resources we have to ensure our patients get the best care possible. Each time someone leaves a positive comment, it gives our team a boost, thank you for your kindness.

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