An Caorann Medical Practice

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    An Caorann Medical Practice
     Portsoy Surgery,
     16 Seafield Terrace,
     AB45 2GB
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  • An Caorann Medical Practice is a GP Practice in Portsoy and provides a list of services listed below if available. This GP practice has 7 reviews with a rating of 2.7 out of 5.

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  •  Patient Reviews

    An Caorann Medical Practice
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    May 13 2024

    How do you get an appointment here??? Morning and afternoon Triage is for emergencies . And afternoon triage closes before 3pm, but triage appointments are all taken by quarter past two. E consult is not working at all. Was advised to go to Chemist , and come back if no help was possible . There was no one at the Chemist on that day to see patients , and when I got back by phone to the surgery, I'm told that the daily triage is closed, although it was barely three o clock. Used to be that afternoon calls were addressed next morning, but not now. Call back in the morning at 8 o clock , if the matter is urgent. So what about seeing , or talking to a clinician if your problem is bothersome , but not urgent??? How do you get an appointment then?

    An Caorann Medical Practice
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Apr 28 2024

    Oh dear, what is happening to our Medical Centre, having risen to excellent it is sadly on the slide backwards again. Our excellent GPS have left, nurses are cancelling weekly patients appointments. It appears that instead of building the practice up to standard again, it is sadly going in the opposite direction , and has somehow found its self with a revolving door, the worst scenario a business can accrue for itself . It's three months on now, and no sign of it settling back to anywhere normal. Inside is like a ghost building ,not the busy , vibrant practice it was before the take over . Obviously some are trying hard to make a success of it, however some are not and appear to be pleasing themselves . Hopefully things will start to improve soon , and patients can enjoy the great care and curticy they were used to . New staff have big boots to fill that's for sure, we had the cream of the crop as far as doctors go, and sadly have lost them . There was also never a shortage of nurses, with many comingvand going through reception , but they to seem to have disappeared

    An Caorann Medical Practice
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Jan 30 2024

    Sorry to be losing an excellent doctor in the take over this week. Doctor Rodriguez has been greatly praised by the specialists my husband saw last year with heart problems. I myself have been grateful for his care these last few months to. We could not believe that Grampian Health aboard had kept such a good and dedicated doctor as a locum for the whole time he has served the people of Portsoy. They complain that they can't find Doctors for rural areas, but don't acknowledge them , nor properly appoint them when they are clearly willing and able to commit to rural posts . Shame on them they have let us badly down with the takeover before it happens . Patients have been led to believe that everything will be fine and things should largely remain the same, then we find out this is not true. And no one knows what is happening. What a way to treat professional people , factory workers have to know what is to happen during a take over , so surely these highly professional and dedicated staff should have been shown more respect . Wishing Doctor Rodriguez all the best for his future and thanking him for all he has done for us, and hoping to see as many as possible of the familiar faces remaining at our Portsoy practice

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