Tylorstown Surgery

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    Tylorstown Surgery
     Ferndale Road,
     CF43 3HB
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  • Tylorstown Surgery is a GP Practice in RCT and provides a list of services listed below if available. This GP practice has 2 reviews with a rating of 1 out of 5.

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  •  Patient Reviews

    Tylorstown Surgery
    Review SourceBy:hankspade
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Dec 14 2022

    congratulations to the team at Tylorstown surgery. They seem to have created a system that (in my opinion) can actually MAKE YOU FEEL ILL. If you need an appointment you are requested to phone the NEXT DAY at 8 am then you will be placed in a que, In my recent experience, it took me 1 hour and 18 minutes to get an answer. Only to be told that all the appointments had gone, and to phone again the next day. when I told the receptionist I had been in the waiting in the que for well over an hour , she said the phone there had not rung in the last 15 minutes, she was unsympathetic and made me out to feel like a liar. Some of the staff there are quiet pleasant others have serious attitude problems. I think these receptionists have been personally trained by dr parini. this doctor has no place in this field, I've seen her once and vowed never to see her again, she hardly acknowledged I was in the room with her. she didn't let me explain my symptoms properly, and continuously talked over me, I left her room without any treatment, but instead suffered trauma from her. I felt like a scolded child when i left the surgery that day. I've been with this surgery for 58 years. and was reluctant to change surgery's But after experiencing the obvious decline in service ,together with the (some arrogant staff and dr parini) I have made the decision to relocate. If you suffer from any stress related conditions I would avoid this surgery. Your sanity may depend on it.

    Tylorstown Surgery
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Feb 18 2021

    Could never get through, when you did was told to late try again for months this kept happening, so I had stern words receptionist was rude not professional at all, the practice manager didn’t want to listen to my side, worst place ever, avoid at all costs.

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