Care at Home

  • Care at Home
    1a Hall Farm, Little Walden, Saffron Walden, CB10 1XA
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  • Home Care Information

    Care at Home are a well-established company with a 25 year history.& We provide everything from light support and reablement to intensive care and dementia care to older people and personal care to people with learning disabilities. We do not cut corners with quality because we know how important it is for family members to know their loved one is safe and well-looked after. You can see our commitment by looking at reviews of what other people say about us on Google,, the QCQ or feedback on our website.

    We do not have any hidden charges because we believe in being honest and transparent. But the best way to verify all this is to give us a call and speak to us personally. You can call free on 08000 807893. You will speak to a member of the staff team every time you call in because we do not subcontract to external call centres. We would love to hear from you.

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  • Care Home Services

    Personal and intimate care: Yes, offers care for Personal care
    Caring for adults over 65 yrs: Yes, offers Caring for adults over 65 yrs
    Dementia: Yes, offers care for Dementia
    Physical disabilities: Yes, offers help with Physical disabilities
    Sensory impairments: Yes, offers help with Sensory impairments

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  • Patient Ratings






  •  Patient Reviews

    Care at Home
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Jan 27 2014

    When mum had a stroke nearly 2 years ago, we did not know what to do. as a christian i prayed and felt that it was right for mum to be cared for in her own home, but we did not know where to start. i found out about care at home via an internet search and, as a nurse, I was very impressed by their brochure. The reality has been so much better than I could have ever imagined! Mum needs 24 hour nursing care, and also an advocate, as she cannot speak much after her stroke. We have had wonderful carers for Mum. They helped us to organise our home so that we could accommodate a live-in carer, and were always trying to find ways to make Mum's life more comfortable, her diet more varied, her routine more interesting. As they have said to me very often, "Your mum is our priority". Nothing has been too much bother for them! Each time mum has been to hospital, the staff have commented on the high standard of the carers’ record keeping and on the care plans. The carers even stayed with mum and cared for her when she was in hospital, which impressed the ward staff very much. They have a lot to manage with mum's care and we are so thankful to the carer for being such a great carer for mum, so professional and pays a lot of attention to detail. There is a lot involved with mum's care, and they handle it so well. They provide such a high quality, yet very personalised service, which has enabled mum to stay in her own home, which is extremely happy about. We would like to thank everyone at Care at Home for being such excellent care providers.
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    Care at Home
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Jan 23 2014

    A particular health care worker looked after my mum for 3 months. My mum had been suffering with breast cancer which spread to her lungs and was bed ridden for the last few weeks of her life. This person was such a caring person they made my mum feel that she still had a life and encouraged her to do as much as she could, they have a heart of gold and became a good friend to the whole family we can never thank them enough for what they did. To sum them up they are a true inspiration and thoroughly recommended.
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    Care at Home
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Nov 19 2013

    Care at Home UK have been looking after my mother (now aged 90) for the last four years. I cannot praise them highly enough as I have been fortunate to have had the same carer for the whole duration and she has built a very good relationship with Mum. As Mum suffers from dementia and Parkinsons and has now lost any ability to communicate or move, the task for a carer is monumental, but due to her level of care over such a long period she can still manage to find out what my mothers wants and needs. The relationship is superlative. When I first had to find 24-hour care for my mother after her fall in 2009 I felt sure she would have to go into a Care Home, but by chance I found out about Care at Home UK who offer this wonderful service of 24/7 live-in care. It is not more expensive than most Care Homes and the one to one attention is so much more effective and allows the client to still have a life and go out and meet other people and have relatives and friends around to their home in the same old way that they always had done. In effect, their lives don't change much at all ...... whereas going into a Care Home usually means the abrupt end to a past life, and sadly friends often don't visit so often. To stay in familiar surroundings is also so important to those suffering from dementia as I believe it slows down the progress of the illness by allowing the patient to still respond to familiar things rather than being placed in a totally alien environment. They also still have the liberty to choose what they eat and when they eat and take two hours to complete a meal if they wish. This could not possibly happen in a Care Home. The Care at Home UK agency operate throughout most of the UK and have a very professional network. Their carers are well trained and also well managed and supported. They make a point of making unplanned visits to the client's home regularly just to make sure everything is running in good order, and carry out assessments in a timely way. In the four years that I have been with them they have never let me down. My mother has never been on her own - not even for five minutes - in that time span. It is a shame that this organisation is not better known and I shall try and contact the NHS website people to ask why this organisation seems to become buried in their website and hence does not enjoy the same visibility as other agencies of a similar ilk. I highly recommend them.
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    Care at Home UK Limited

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Additional Information
Funding Home Care in England
Funding Home Care in England

You may qualify for local authority funding towards care at home costs.

Firstly, you must first arrange a care needs assessment