Ashley Lodge Care Home

  • Ashley Lodge Care Home
    Golden Hill, Ashley Lane, Ashley, New Milton, BH25 5AHEmail
    Rooms : Unknown
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  • Care Home Information

    Ashley Lodge is a converted and extended private house boasting two acres of mature landscaped grounds and situated in tranquil countryside close to the pretty town of New Milton in Hampshire.

    & Types of care provided

    Ashley Lodge provides short stay and long term care for those requiring residential, nursing, convalescence and palliative care. We also provide care for older people with physical disabilities and dementia, including nursing dementia care. Each of our residents has a personal care plan based on their needs and they receive individual care from our highly trained and dedicated nurses and care assistants, 24-hours a day.



    Providing nutritious and enjoyable meals is an important part of the overall care we provide to residents. We make sure that each individual&s personal preferences and dietary needs are taken into account, and our chef uses fresh ingredients and produce to ensure that meals are tempting and beautifully presented.

    Each morning residents are offered a warm drink before they choose from the breakfast menu. As well as the main meals served during the day, residents can also choose from a separate Night Bite menu if they would like something to eat between 6.30pm and 6.30am.

    Tea, coffee and biscuits are served regularly, with afternoon tea including a delicious homemade cake.



    Ashley Lodge has a dedicated activity co-ordinator who ensures there&s always something enjoyable and stimulating to do, regardless of ability. We encourage residents to continue with any individual hobbies or interests they may have, and there are also plenty of clubs and group activities in which to join and socialise with other residents, if they wish.

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  • Care Home Services

    Caring for adults over 65 yrs: Yes, offers Caring for adults over 65 yrs
    Dementia: Yes, offers care for Dementia
    Diagnostic and screening procedures: Yes, offers Diagnostic and screening procedures
    Personal and intimate care: Yes, offers care for Personal care
    Physical disabilities: Yes, offers help with Physical disabilities
    Treatment of disease, disorder or injury: Yes, offers Treatment of disease, disorder or injury
    Care Home Type:with nursing

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  • Frequently Asked Questions about Care Homes in New Milton.

    Ashley Lodge Care Home is approximately 0 mile(s) away from New Milton. More information
    Yes, Dementia Care is avaiable at Ashley Lodge Care Home. To see the full list of care option available, click More Information.
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A quick guide to finding, choosing and paying for a care home

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