Amber Lodge Care Centre

  • Amber Lodge Care Centre
    21 Thornhill Road, Armley, Leeds, LS12 4LLEmail
    Rooms : Unknown
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  • Care Home Information

    Qualified health care professionals are on duty at all times. The independence of our residents is promote at all times whilst staff trained to a high standard ensure personalised dignified and safe care is provided at all times. It is the level of care on which amber Lodge reputation is built.

    Investors in people have recognised the level of committment and ongoing investment we make into ensuring our staff have the appropriate skills and knowledge to deliver excellent care. As Amber Lodge offers dementia care, we are particualarly concerned that our staff group understand the needs of our service users.

    We try to provide an innovative service by drawing upon best practice in other dementia homes and also from keeping in touch with current research into this specialist care area.

    As a result in 2010 we introduced coloured crockery and saw a great improvement into the eating patterns of our clients.

    We&d be pleased to talk through the range and scope of the training we provide to our staff and how we identify new development needs as the needs of our clients change.

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  • Care Home Services

    Caring for adults over 65 yrs: Yes, offers Caring for adults over 65 yrs
    Dementia: Yes, offers care for Dementia
    Mental health conditions: Yes, offers care for Mental health conditions
    Personal and intimate care: Yes, offers care for Personal care
    Care Home Type:Residential Care

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  • Patient Ratings






  •  Patient Reviews

    Amber Lodge Care Centre
    Review SourceBy:Fizz rating
    Feb 6 2018

    Our dad has lived at Amber lodge for over a year. The staff are lovely and friendly but I feel that there is only a few that are actually trained in how to care for people with dementia. I feel that some staff are not trained enough in dementia care, how to deal with situations, communicate with residents and confidentiality. Dads care and needs were not always be met, not be shaved or clothing changed. We did speak with manager several times about this and in November the manager informed us that the staff were unable to meet dads needs as he required two carers to assist with toileting/personal care and is not always compliant with this. This is the only area of issue as my dad mobilises well and eats independent. I can understand they don't have enough staff as often the right amount of staff have not been on shift. I have felt this when I have visited and have not wanted to leave as no staff is in the lounge. This is something I have mentioned before to the manager. It a bit worry if anyone was to fall etc. It had improved a bit lately. I felt so strong about writing this after visiting my dad after not been able to visit for a week due to outbreak of illness in the home to find my dad limping and had a swollen leg. The staff were unaware of the swelling to his leg and no one had wrote anything down this was a major concern to me, had I not visited that day when would it have been noticed? This area of swelling had not just appeared. The manager was quick on to it after I showed her a photo of Dads leg after already mentioning it to staff half hour earlier, no one had actually come up to look at it. Real worry for me. We found another home for our dad. On arriving to pick our dad up as I had said on the days before that we would arrive and pack Dads things up. We went into Dads room to find the housekeeper in there, all dads things cleared out, they were cleaning the room, dads bed and furniture had been moved and a pot of paint was on the side. That really got to me where is the dignity/ respect for residents there and make me more upset, dad was sat in the lounge not even left the building. Apparently staff had packed dads belongings up the previous night, did they not think what was going through our Dads head when he will have got to bed with his belongings not in his room. I have since returned to the home with a black bin liner of clothes that were not dad clothes especially not the ladies jumper and vest!! i did send some chocolates in for residents there as will miss them and staff but I know that dads needs are now been met elsewhere.
    Original Comment Report...

    Amber Lodge Care Centre
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous rating
    Dec 10 2017

    Rating without comment

    Amber Lodge Care Centre
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous rating
    Dec 5 2017

    Have to say one of two of the carers are very good here. But the majority are so lazy. Sat around in office leaving the residents sat in front of tvs. Nothing ever seems to be happening in respect to activitys. On a few occasions when ive been there ive witnessed residents been assisted to toilet that have already been wet through. Manger not really approachable. Sends the carers out to speak to you. The manager may have qualifications but dont think they have the experince to back that up. The home smells .. residents look unkept and the food looks appaling.
    Original Comment Report...

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  • Frequently Asked Questions about Care Homes in Leeds.

    Amber Lodge Care Centre is approximately 0 mile(s) away from Leeds. More information
    Yes, Dementia Care is avaiable at Amber Lodge Care Centre. To see the full list of care option available, click More Information.
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