Barchester The Cedars Care Home (Bourne)

  • Barchester The Cedars Care Home (Bourne)
    Church Walk, South Street, Bourne, PE10 9UQEmail
    Rooms : Unknown
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  • Care Home Information

    Barchester The Cedars Care Home (Bourne) is a provider of care near Bourne and provides a list of services and facilities listed below if available. This provider has 3 reviews with a rating of 5 out of 5.

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  • Care Home Services

    Caring for adults over 65 yrs: Yes, offers Caring for adults over 65 yrs
    Dementia: Yes, offers care for Dementia
    Diagnostic and screening procedures: Yes, offers Diagnostic and screening procedures
    Personal and intimate care: Yes, offers care for Personal care
    Physical disabilities: Yes, offers help with Physical disabilities
    Treatment of disease, disorder or injury: Yes, offers Treatment of disease, disorder or injury
    Care Home Type:with nursing

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  • Patient Ratings






  •  Patient Reviews

    Barchester The Cedars Care Home (Bourne)
    Review SourceBy:Sue chamberlain rating
    Aug 15 2015

    I have over the last 7 years had constant contact with the staff of the cedars when both my father and father in law were unable to cope at home, and after looking at many care homes decided that the ceders came top of my list.. We all want the best for our relatives and worry about the care that they will receive when you are not there... But I can say hand on heart and I visited most days at different times of the day and (night on occasions) that the care was always the same ..very professional and the residents are always clean and cared for .. Which at the end of the day we all wish for..there will always be a few hiccups along the way, and concerns are dealt with swiftly and professionally.. the matron and The deputy matron are always willing to listen to is always difficult for relatives to make that decision but I can assure you that this care home is one of the best it will never replace the home they are leaving but it's the next best thing..
    Original Comment Report...

    Barchester The Cedars Care Home (Bourne)
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous rating
    Oct 6 2014

    My dad was 89 years old and had vascular dementia, and lived at home with my 85 year old mother up until this year. Following a fall in which he broke his hip we needed to get a permanent nursing home placement for him fairly quickly; I contacted many care homes and visited several - without doubt The Cedars came top of the list from a care perspective, facilities on offer, general condition of the home and friendliness and professionalism of the staff. I should say here that although I have had little experience of Care Home Providers, I have a fair amount of experience in dealing generally with Service and Facilities Providers - the support and care that both Dad and the rest of the family received was second to none. Dad was was cared for with dignity and respect for several months before his condition declined and we sadly lost him In Sept 14. His final days were difficult for us all as we knew that he was very poorly, however I have never experienced such empathy both for him and for myself, as I did that week. The staff made him so comfortable and were so kind to him that it made us all feel that he was in the best place possible. I would have absolutely no doubts in recommending the Cedars to anyone in a similar position to us; there is such a responsibility on us as family members to chose the right care home for our loved-ones, however I know that we made the right decision in chosing the Cedars for Dad. Some of the things about the Cedars that I was particularly impressed with are as follows: The staff - so friendly professional and caring - they really got to know dad as a person despite his dementia. The facilities - clean, really nicely decorated, the right type of specialist equipment - it might sound trivial, but it did not have that care home smell. The food - it was excellent, I know because they fed us all when dad was really ill. The location - right in the centre of Bourne, beautiful surroundings, easy to take relatives out into the town if you want to. The Care Plan - regardless of how ill your relative is, they can and will ensure they have the best possible care, without pain. Their flexibility - whatever you want for your relative they will go along with. They know how to deal with people with different challenges but don't treat them any differently. I met lots of lovely residents, their relatives and carers and felt that there was a real 'community feel' about The Cedars. All in all chosing a nursing home is a personal choice, however be assurred that I had absolutely no complaints about dads time there - and I am generally known as being a difficult to please customer.
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    Barchester The Cedars Care Home (Bourne)
    Review SourceBy:Mary Webster rating
    Feb 25 2014

    The Cedars cared for our mother in a warm, friendly and yet professional way. All of the staff got to know her to provide her with both the social and medical support she needed as well as making us as a family feel it was her home where we were always welcome. She had a beautifully decorated room where she could have her own things about her. The empathy and compassion which surrounded us all in her final days made her leaving us a peaceful slipping away, very sad but supported in every way. We would recommend this home highly.
    Original Comment Report...

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  • Frequently Asked Questions about Care Homes in Bourne.

    Barchester The Cedars Care Home (Bourne) is approximately 0 mile(s) away from Bourne. More information
    Yes, Dementia Care is avaiable at Barchester The Cedars Care Home (Bourne). To see the full list of care option available, click More Information.
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There may come a time in your life when you need to move into a care home. You may also choose to move into a care home...