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  • Dentist Information
  • St Leonards House Dental Surgery is a dental surgery near Bodmin and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 9 reviews with a rating of 4.1 stars out of 5.
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  •  Patient Reviews

    St Leonards House Dental Surgery
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Nov 5 2023

    A very professional and knowledgeable dentist. Also he cares about his patient.

    St Leonards House Dental Surgery
    Review SourceBy:Angela
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Jun 8 2023

    I have Tetracycline Pfizer teeth - Google for images. Pillion on motorbike rta - inquest 100mph - bilateral multiple fractures etc. I am well experienced 'patient'. Lots of dentists, orthodontists etc. I had abcesses, lots of problems- going from NHS foundation dentists to Truro Private practice. My husband suggested I went to Mr.Zarasvand, factual, polite with his direct approach - he gave list of my problems, having the nurse hold the mirror while he explained (I want to close my eyes and ears to this part lol) - then he offers solutions which I eagerly listen to - then the prognosis (i half close ears to lol) - his whole approach I find helps my anxiety. He offered veneers, and bridge work - met my husband 3 of us agreed on costs. My front teeth their were holes in enamel, and short worn etc - we went with a light natural colour veneers. They fit beautifully up to the gums, and the bridge work. I get alot of unwanted attention at times, due to my walking disabilities - so can imagine how i felt afterwards having my teeth sorted. All done in time for Christmas. With my confidence boosted I wore lipstick had my hair done. My teeth look now how they should have, if the growth, colour, strength hadn't been ruined by Pfizer Tetracycline as a child. Whole life time of smiles spoilt in the past. Husband and I had no wedding photos, only 2 photos exist of me last 20 years. Find the surgery clean, and tidy - staff members polite, thoughtful - always willing to find emergency appointment ASAP. Mr.Zarasvand works long hours in order to please as many as he can. The practice is not Harley Street prices, crazy anyone in Cornwall considering risking Turkey teeth treatment - when Cornwall Bodmin has the best price, treatment already with Mr.Zarasvand. I have met Harley Street professionals, find Mr Zarasvand of the same professional caliber. My next appointment is December 2023. Very happy, to have Mr.Zarasvand as my dentist.

    St Leonards House Dental Surgery
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    May 20 2019

    Having waited for a while to get an NHS dentist in this area I was relieved to finally get a dentures replaced after two years of it being broken. That unfortunately is the happiest bit about my experience with this practice. The dentist has far to much to say and is incapable of listening to the patient. He does not handle be questioned very well and often double books appointments so you are are always being rushed and not enough time is given to your dental needs. Needless to say I am still using my broken denture and will never set foot through this practices front door again.
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St Leonards House Dental Surgery, St Leonards House, 4 Higher Bore St

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