Salisbury Surgery

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    4 Reviews
    Salisbury Surgery
     178 Dawes Road,
     Greater London, SW6 7HS
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    EPS : Available
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  • Provider Information
  • Salisbury Surgery is a GP Practice in Fulham and provides a list of services listed below if available. This GP practice has 4 reviews with a rating of 4 out of 5.

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  • Provider Services
  • Asthma Clinic
  • Baby clinic with health visitor
  • Child Immunisations
  • Learning disability health check
  • Minor surgery (removal of moles,skin lesions)
  • Smoking cessation clinic
  • Travel health with yellow fever
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  •  Provider Performance
    The table below is a standard list of gp practice metrics that are complied annually for practices in England. You can use this list to see how Salisbury Surgery is doing in areas that may be important to you.
    Health MetricDetailIndicator
    Cervical Screening Ages 25 to 49*** individuals have been screened out of a possible *** eligible people.

    A total of 0% of possible patients have been screened which is below the 80% requirement. The GP practice needs to sceen another 0 people to hit the required 80% screening target.
    Cervical Screening Ages 50 to 64*** individuals have been screened out of a possible *** eligible people.

    A total of 0% of possible patients have been screened which is below the 80% requirement. The GP practice needs to sceen another 0 people to hit the required 80% screening target.

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  • Patient Ratings






  •  Patient Reviews

    Salisbury Surgery
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Feb 21 2019

    Unfortunately I had a really bad experience with this GP practice. The sign-up process I guess was alright but the actual appointments and service not helpful at all. Went there ones for an eye-twitch that I had been having for over six months. I understand that this is a brain/nerve matter but I thought the doctor could give me some kind of advice on how to make it more bearable. They just said "nothing to do", without even asking what my lifestyle was like regarding sleep, caffeine, stress and so on - in other words no help at all. I then went there for a second time because I needed a blood test to see my iron and vitamin D level. The doctor then said they were going to do the blood test there at the practice and not refer me to a hospital or so, to save money. This policy might just be standard but they didn't disinfect their hands before the blood test and they didn't wear any gloves!! They then decided to get the blood from my hands! and not from my arms. They failed to collect blood from one of my hands after pricking me several times and then started on the second one where I in the end had to ask them to stop because it was too painful - still no blood taken and they decided to refer me to the charing cross hospital. Horrible experience! I was bruised on my hands for weeks afterwards. When I then went to take the bloods at the hospital the nurse said that they never take bloods from the hands unless it doesn't work to take it from several different places of the arms. When I then at last was trying to get the results for my blood tests I had to call and chase the results for days and I had several different results given to me. One staff of reception said that my results were fine while another one said the doctor had written me prescriptions - complete mess. I can't recommend this practice to anyone. That being said I have nothing against the doctor personally - they seems like a nice person - but the service is just not living up to any sort of standard.
    Original Comment Report...

    Salisbury Surgery
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Oct 21 2018

    A truly dedicated Doctor committed to the practise of medicine and the total care and well being of the patient. God bless him!
    Original Comment Report...

    Salisbury Surgery
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Feb 11 2018

    I have been a patient at this surgery for over 22 years. I have grown up with the Doctor and staff. This is one of the few surgeries that operate like a "good old" surgery. The receptionist know you, they are helpful and discreet and most of all they care. The Dr is amazing, honest, sympathetic and knowledgeable. Some family members, who moved away, travel because they know they would not receive the same treatment. This is type of surgery is sadly a dying breed and should be an example to other practices on 'How to run a GP's Surgery'.
    Original Comment Report...

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    Salisbury Surgery, 178 Dawes Road, Fulham, SW6 7HS

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