Path House Medical Practice

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  • Path House Medical Practice is a GP Practice in Fife and provides a list of services listed below if available. This GP practice has 3 reviews with a rating of 1.7 out of 5.

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    Path House Medical Practice
    Review SourceBy:Santy
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Aug 22 2023

    I had the worst experience on my first appointment here today. My GP practice was recently closed and they merged with path house. So this was my first time here. I had viral infection for one week and it become worse and I ended up with chest infection by weekend. As I wasn’t dying, I waited till Monday for booking an appointment. Even though I contacted first thing in the morning I got slot for next day. By this time I can barely hear and my head is heavy as hell. When I went for my appointment, I was 7 min late (blame the road work) I have been to another GPs many times, they never said no, even if there is a few min delay. And also this is my first time to the place, I had bit confusion to find out the entrance and all too. After all these, they said as I’m late (7min ??) Doctor won’t see me. I should book another appointment, which might take a day again? I tried to explain it is less than 10 min, I only need antibiotic ( As I’m nurse in NHS itself, I know what is happening to me already). Even 5 min consultation is enough to understand what is going on with me. Receptionist were so inhuman, they were not even saying kind words, just informed me to reschedule. I was so drained physically and emotionally and I lost my temper ( I wasn’t happy about that). But as a health professional if someone is really begging for a treatment, you should at least consider what they need. Called 111, but again they referred to go to GP again. I would try to reschedule it first time itself if the GP is near to my house. As a health professional and NHS staff, I feel really bad about the whole situation.

    Path House Medical Practice
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Aug 2 2023

    I have been trying to get through to surgery for 20mins was told my call could not be connected. Waited a further 20mins to be told I am number 10 in queue. How does this happen??? There has to be another system which works more efficiently.

    Path House Medical Practice
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Mar 4 2022

    Actual Dr's have always been ok. Getting an appointment however is a different matter. The appointment booking process is a nightmare, very intrusive and not easy to manage with work commitments. 1st attempt 25 minutes on hold but couldn't get an appointment with the doctor I wanted to see. They only worked certain days and I couldn't book in advance, I had to call back at 8am on a day they worked. I wanted this particular Dr for continuity reasons. My 2nd attempt 20 minutes on hold was told they only had emergency appointments left. 3rd attempt 33 minutes on hold. Eventually an appointment. HOWEVER - the questions I'm asked!!! i have to go through in relative detail with the receptionist why I want to speak to the Dr, not suffice to say I need to discuss my medication, I have to say what it is, what the problem is, when was I put on it...this feels really unnecessary and intrusive. Surely someone doesn't wait for so long for no reason at all. This whole process is very frustrating, expensive in terms of cost on hold and time, who has 30 minutes to wait about on hold on a morning, when you can be getting kids ready for school, at work, getting ready for work or travelling to work ( and what about privacy if your on bus waiting on hold and have to answer personal questions)...not everyone who needs an appointment is so poorly they are home in bed with nothing to do .... Surely they could have an online booking service, other surgeries do. Not everyone needs to be seen that day and would be happy to book an appointment in advance, when they know they are available and have the time to see the Doctor. Not everyone can take a call on the day.....its a nightmare and very stressful.

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