Brockington House Care Community

  • Brockington House Care Community
    Hafod Road, Hereford, HR1 1SQ
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  • Home Care Information

    Brockington House Care Community is a provider of care near Hereford and provides a list of services and facilities listed below if available. This provider has 1 reviews with a rating of 1 out of 5.

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  • Care Home Services

    Care with nursing: Yes, offers Care with nursing
    Care without nursing: Yes, offers Care without nursing
    Homecare: Yes, offers Homecare
    Shared lives: Yes, offers Shared lives
    Supported living services: Yes, offers Supported living services

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  • Patient Ratings






  •  Patient Reviews

    Brockington House Care Community
    Review SourceBy:Dylan
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Oct 12 2021

    Not good. Not good at all. You are meant to be looking after my Nan. Not harming her. ? It was made very clear she is not to have gluten and I spent over 30 minutes going through dietary needs - she likes fruit, loves ice cream, don't give any bread or biscuits blah blah. What is the point of doing this if she is going to be fed something she cannot eat and makes her ill. How can something as basic as this happen when you see paying £1500 a week? Food is a simple requirement what the hell happens when you administer drugs - do you manage to get this right? Gluten is an allergen and makes her stomach and bowels flare up in pain - and they have fed it to her. Inept incompetence. On handover (which included a 7 page document titled 'Nanny Myrtle Operational Manual' detailed everything from bowel movements to how her hearing aids work ...and everything in between) it was made clear that her hearing aids are to be put in when anyone talks to her YOU DONT NEED TO SHOUT AT HER. Have they been putting in her hearing aids? No. THEY HAVE BEEN TALKING TO HER LIKE SHES SOME DUMB OLD LADY THAT CANNOT HEAR. How would you like to be shouted at for simple instruction? She can hear with hearing aids. It just takes a little more care and time - something you obviously don't have. To cap it off we went through a long process of trip hazards and pressure mats. Brockington House installed a pressure mat under her mattress because if one was on the floor she'd curl it up with her aluminium frame. Does it work? No. So EVEN THOUGH THEY KNOW IT IS A TRIP HAZARD they were going to put one on the floor. When I heard this I drove over and explained why we can't use a mat - which was agreed with the team when she was dropped off. Christ. This is basic common sense - she will trip. Start getting the left hand to talk to the right hand. You'll harm less people. I love my Nan I want her to have great care But what does someone who is in a care home do if they don't have a voice - o

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    Group Name
    Dormy Care Communities (Hereford) Limited

    •  CQC Rating   CQC Rating
    • Safe
      Requires improvement




      Requires improvement

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    Brockington House Care Community 0.0 miles
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Additional Information
Funding Home Care in England
Funding Home Care in England

You may qualify for local authority funding towards care at home costs.

Firstly, you must first arrange a care needs assessment