Cedric House EMI Residential Care Home

  • Cedric House EMI Residential Care Home
    2 Ansdell Villas Road, Rainhill, Prescot, L35 4PNEmail
    Rooms : Unknown
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  • Care Home Information

    Cedric House is a 20 bedded large & Edwardian House.

    We cater for people suffering from dementia and alzheimers.We accept both female and male, of all ages, religions, cultural backgrounds and sexual orientation.

    Service Users accommodation is situated on two floors, with one shared bedroom and six single bedrooms on the ground floor; one shared bedroom and ten singles are situated on the second floor. There are ample bathrooms and toilets throughout the house, some adapted for disabled people. All bedrooms are equipped with washbasins, call bells and heating. Rooms can accommodate some personal furniture, television and radio. Pictures, ornaments, plants etc are encouraged for service users to personalise their own private space.

    The communal areas consist of three lounges, a conservatory used as a dining room all of which are comfortably furnished. A lift is situated in close proximity to these facilities.

    We are committed to providing a very high quality service in line with Health and Social care Act 2008. We are registered with the Quality Care Commission (CQC) and the home is inspected regularly by CQC and Social services.

    We strive to provide a safe, secure, happy and friendly home ensuring all individual needs are met& & sensitively, respecfully and in accordance to the individual&s unique needs.

    Comment from CCQ Inspection (FEB 2013):

    “We observed staff delivering care in a warm and sensitive way, taking the time to speak and listen to people who used the service.

    We looked at care plans for five people and

    saw that they included appropriate&

    information around health and support needs. The care plans were person centred and individualised, including records of peoples likes and dislikes.”




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  • Care Home Services

    Dementia: Yes, offers care for Dementia
    Personal and intimate care: Yes, offers care for Personal care
    Care Home Type:Residential Care

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  • Patient Ratings






  •  Patient Reviews

    Cedric House EMI Residential Care Home
    Review SourceBy:Kay Burns
    Rating:..star rating
    Oct 29 2015

    My father was admitted to Cedric House after no longer being able to live at home due to advancing vascular dementia. Myself and the family feel extremely grateful that he went to Cedric House. We were able to visit Dad at any time we wanted and the staff and owners always made us feel very welcome. Cedric House strives to create a real home environment with a personal touch, and I feel they are more than on their way to achieving it. We always felt that the staff genuinely cared about the residents and worked hard to make sure that they were looked after to the highest standards. Dad was always clean shaven (unless he didn't want to be), clean, warm and well fed. When Dad did have further health problems, which were to be expected in his condition, Cedric House was quick to notice and seek help for Dad. Cedric House has a number of volunteers that come in and do activities too, so the days have some variety and structure. Chatting to other relatives of residents, it was clear that they too were happy with Cedric House. When Dad's condition worsened any needed lifting equipment and specialists beds were bought for him. I feel very grateful for the care, support and professionalism of this care home. During the last few weeks of Dad's life I came to visit him and ended up waiting outside of his room for a short period of time. I could hear staff talking to and dealing with Dad in the same caring manner that they did when we were in plain sight. I think to any relative that is a huge comfort, especially as it is such a challenging role. They even attended Dad's funeral when he passed away, and it was clear from talking to them on numerous occasions that they had got to know Dad and his character. A good home run by good people.
    Original Comment Report...

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  • Frequently Asked Questions about Care Homes in Prescot.

    Cedric House EMI Residential Care Home is approximately 0 mile(s) away from Prescot. More information
    Yes, Dementia Care is avaiable at Cedric House EMI Residential Care Home. To see the full list of care option available, click More Information.
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